Chapter 15 - Rough Morning

Start from the beginning

"It's ok. You can turn around now," I announce.

"Once again, I apologize Alpha Peirce. I was just going to let you know that breakfast is now being served in the dining hall," she informs me, a light blush still coating her cheeks.

"Thank you-"

"Oh goodness. Sorry, my name is Vivian Stephens, but everyone calls me Viv," she introduces.

"Well then, thank you Ms. Stephens. I'll be right down."

"You're welcome, Alpha Peirce." She does a slight bow before retreating out of my room.

I dwelled if I should stay here and ask someone to bring me my breakfast or if I should go down myself and risk having an interaction with someone. Sadly, I didn't get enough sleep last night. All I could hear was the mating going on between Beta Bennett and his mate. I only know it was him because I could make out his voice since my room was three doors down from his. Thank the goddess, I don't have super hearing, or I would have killed myself if I heard the details of the mating. Fuck it, I'll just go down for breakfast. Hopefully no one speaks to me.

I slip into my shoes and comb my fingers through my slightly wet hair, before making my way to the dining hall. There are only a few people in the dining hall as it is still early. I make my way to the tables filled with breakfast assortments. I pile my plate with eggs, bacon, toast and some fruit before making my way to an empty seat. I ate my food quietly as I observed the interactions between the Crescent members. I could feel some of their stares on me, but I chose to ignore them. I know by now everyone has heard the stories about me. It used to bother me, but since there isn't much I can do to change that I decided to just embrace it. This has helped me stay at the top for so long since everyone was too afraid to challenge me.

Once I was finished, I gathered my plate and took it to the dirty dish bin. Just as I was about to exit, two familiar voices stopped me in my tracks. It was Beta Bennett and Aaron. Beta Bennett entered the dining hall with a look of irritation as Aaron followed closely behind him, face puffed up in anger. Of course Aaron has pissed someone off so early in the morning.

'Alpha, where are you?,' Aiden links.

'In the dining hall. Have you had breakfast yet?'

'Yes Alpha. I had gone down early in the morning before briefing for today's meeting.'

'Ok, good. Meet me in my temporary room to go over it.'

'Yes, Alpha.'

I turn to make my way to meet Aiden when Beta Bennett's outburst held me back.

"I already told you to fuck off! My Alpha wants nothing to do with you!"

At the mention of Alpha Gray, my interest piqued, causing me to decide to stay back and watch the scene unfold. What is going on between Aaron and her?

"I need to talk to her, so where is she?!" Aaron retaliates.

"What you need to do is stay the fuck away from her! I thought she made that pretty clear to you yesterday!" Tyler's shouts back.

Aaron must of really done something huge  to their pack for a Beta to be so disrespectful towards an Alpha.

"You don't tell me what to do pup!"

"I am only a year younger and act more mature!" Tyler shouted.

"I am an Alpha! You have no right to speak to me this way! Brielle is my mate and I have every right to speak to her whenever I want!" Aaron declares.

Pfft, he can barely pass as a Delta let alone an Alpha. Aaron is a- wait what did he say? Did he say that he's mated to Alpha Lightwood? My interest is definitely piqued now. A feeling off dejection settled in upon this reveal.

"It's Alpha Gray to you!" Tyler fumed. "You rejected her asshole, did you forget?! And she accepted the rejection, or was the pain not proof enough? If not, I can remind you of how it felt," Beta Bennett threatened.

He lunges towards Aaron, but the coward scurries behind the dining table. The table doesn't seem to be an obstacle, for Beta Bennett seemed prepared to jump over it to get his hand on Aaron. He probably would have if his Delta didn't step in.

"Tyler don't! Alpha already told us to leave it alone," he puffs out as he struggles to hold him back.

Just as I was contemplating if I should step in, her voice travelled through the hall.

"He's right Tyler," she say as she steps into the dining hall.

She takes a quick sweep around the room to access the situation.

"But Alpha, you didn't hear what he was saying," he tried explaining to her, all the while shooting daggers towards Aaron.

"I did hear what was said, but I had already told you guys I didn't want you getting involved in this," she told him sternly.

"Yeah, pup stay in your lane," Aaron choses to butts in, still hiding behind the table.

"And you," she turn her attention to Aaron, "have no right calling me your mate. It is over and done with, thankfully."

I couldn't stop the feeling of hope swirl inside at those words. So, they are no longer mates, good. Wait why am I so content with this? Why should I care whether they are mates or not?

I watch as his face turns red in both anger and embarrassment. Noticing the small crowd that was looking at his outburst, he stomped away in anger. The Delta finally releases Beta Bennett who runs towards a female wolf, his mate I assume. Everyone slowly starts to go back to minding their business once Alpha Gray shoots them a icy look. Heck that look would have me quivering if I didn't hold the position I was in. I couldn't tear my eyes away from her even after she caught me. We stay like that, just staring each other down before she rips her eyes away from mine, a blush forming. I feel a genuine smile begin to form, but I manage stop it in time.

I need to get a hold of myself. I can't let stupid emotions screw me up. I worked too hard and dealt with a lot to let romance ruin me. With that thought in mind, I push off the wall to head out as I remembered Aiden was waiting for me.

Although I had decided to stop this traitorous feeling, I couldn't help but take one last glance in her direction. I was delighted to see she was thinking the same thing as I caught her taking a peek in my direction. My lips pulled up in a smirk as the blush returned to her cheeks at being caught. Without saying a word, I finally turn the corner and exit the dining hall. So much for getting myself in check. She must be thinking I'm a hormonal, obsessed wolf with the way I keep looking at her. Goddess help me!

This meeting better go smoothly. I don't know if I'll be able to handle being in a room with her for too long.


Hey guys! I am so so sorry for such a late update. I have been dealing with some personal things, but I promise to do better. I will try to post at least twice a week from now on.

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