The weather is cool yet warm. I love this weather as I get to cover up my body and stay cozy.

Today was my day off, and I decided to take myself on a solo date to the Einar Jonsson museum.

I wore my skirt and crop top and accessorize it. I looked at myself in the mirror and I saw a very skinny and tall girl looking back at me. I never had any eating disorder or anything, I was just always like this and my height of 5'9 also give the illusion of extra skinny. My b-cup breasts weren't the most appealing, but at least I could comfortably sleep on my stomach and jump as much as I want.

I was done being insecure of my body long time ago. I learned to love it and feed it with love. At times, I do get insecure but then it gets ok soon.

After giving myself a smile, I locked the house and took a cab to the museum.

The museum was beautiful and after 2 hours of exploration I decided to sit down at a nearby café for lunch.

I searched for some local eatery on google and I found one that was nearby and I had to cross the road. I was listening to my music and I navigated my way through.

As I walked, I noticed that Icelandic people were tall and it felt good making humble eye contact with random people. In the states, everyone were intimidated by my height and would give me dirty look.

Here, people either ignored me or gave me a smile. This is one of the reasons why I love this place so much.

I arrived at the signal and the pedestrian signal was red, so I stood on the side waiting for it to turn green.

I always get nervous at crossings, and this time, there are just 2 more people waiting for the signal to turn green.

As I was waiting, I saw a beautiful jet-black Rolls-Royce Cullinan, and to my luck, when it arrived, the signal for the cars turned red and the car stopped right at the crossing.

And the pedestrian crossing turned green.

Im not a car enthusiast, but I like looking at expensive and vintage cars, and even bikes.

I looked at the car one more time and I turned away not to make it awkward.

As soon as I crossed the road I had the urge to turn around and look at it, but I didn't. I convinced myself that it would be creepy and that food should be on my mind at this point. And I continued on my way. 

After 2 minutes of walking, I located the café and it was very cute. It had an indoor as well as outdoor seating. Since it was pleasant outside, I decided to sit outside. I clicked a quick photo of it and posted it on my Instagram.

In no time, a very cute waiter approached me and handed me the menu.

"góðan daginn, ég mun vera þjónninn þinn, hér er matseðillinn?"

(Good afternoon, I will be your server, here is the menu)

"Um.. Íslenskan mín er ekki góð, get ég pantað á ensku?"

(Um... My Icelandic isnt good, can I order in English?)

"Of course"

"Oh gosh, thank you so much" and I gave him a grateful smile.

He gave me a smile back and for some reason, I knew he was younger to me, so I dropped the idea of ogling at him.

I could be wrong, but he seemed too much like a boy.

I gave him my order and he went away with it.

I was just admiring the areas when I saw the Rolls-Royce again. It could be different one too. But in my mind, it was the same

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