(Chapter 6) Fire Bird

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(Here's where the chapter names get worse)

We were walking in a forest with weird signs. Why? I don't know. Ask the idiots who decided we should leave the perfect camp we had found. I looked up as I heard something fly over my head. Everyone noticed the sound as well.

"Woah, did you hear that?" Tai asked. "It seems to be some sort of aircraft." Matt said. "It looked more like a big flying gear!" Sora stated. "Admit it, my alien theory is becoming more plausible." Izzy added on. "Yeah they hit us with an anti-gravity ray to make us all crooked! Or maybe that sign's just crooked." Joe confuses me sometimes.

T.K. fell and Tai said that there could've been snakes. Biyomon just said that there were giant killer bugs and other unpleasent Digimon, which does't really sound much better. The the others started arguing about where to go, and Tai unknowingly insulted the Digimon. Way to go Tai. Sora spoke up about how we need to figure out where we are and how we need to stick together, honestly I think we should make Sora the leader.

Then everyone just started walking away. They were idiots anyways. My sister was definitely smarter then most of them combined, the only exception being Izzy. When we caught up with the others, Matt was making a joke about how they were lost. These guys can be so immature sometimes.

We found a desert and saw the gear from earlier heading towards a mountain. We decided to go into the desert as there were telephone poles. 'Everytime we find something man-made it always leads to a killer Digimon.' Everyone started complaining as usual. Sora mentioned how the telephone poles had no connecting wires and Izzy agreed saying something about there being an alien equivalent.

Mimi brought up the phone booths and the street car, Izzy said yes and asked why and Mimi, in response, goes "Oh nothing, I was just wondering if anyone else remembered." I swear she's going crazy due to heat exhaustion. Joe speaks up, "That's it! We're doomed! The heat has baked our brains, we're all gonna end up like roasted piglets!" Izzy cuts him off, "Just remain calm, Joe. We've only been walking for two minutes." Yep. We're all going insane. Tentomon whispered something into Izzy's ear but I couldn't hear what he said.

Mimi walked up and said something about the sun melting her watch's numbers right off. In reality she was just holding a compass. "Mimi, for somebody who hates hiking, you sure have a lot of compasses." Tai said. "Yeah no seriously, why do you have so many compasses?" I asked. No one answered, instead, Tai continued,  "Of course, none of them actually work." Everyone then started discussing something but my attention turned to Labramon, who was panting heavily.

I heard Izzy saying something about finding water and I agreed with him, saying that we can't survive in this desert for long without water. Mimi then just screamed help. Honestly we could be attracting Digimon at this point. Clearly the shouting would not help our situation.

We ended up continuing walking. Everyone was complaining about the heat, Mimi ended up giving Palmon her hat. Everyone started back up with the complaining until Biyomon stopped, exhausted from walking too long. Sora tried to keep things positive but Matt just gave her a sarcastic remark. Honestly I just wanna punch him in the face sometimes.

Tai spotted something and used his mini-telescope. Turns out what he saw was water, and a village, but we only cared about the water. We all started walking towards the village, happy that we might finally get food and water.

As we got there, we saw these pink tiny blobs, Yokomon apparently. The village was a lot smaller up close. Everyone went on talking about their own thing sort of making a conversation. Biyomon was talking to the Yokomon about how she digivolved and stuff. I then heard Biyomon telling Sora that the Yokomon want to invite us for dinner and everyone was excited to hear that, talking about what they wanted.

T.K. then started shouting water as he ran over to a fountain. The Yokomon said something about it beeing from a spring on a mountain. T.K. asked where the mountains were, the Yokomon pointed somewhere and when we looked T.K. shouted out how it was a live volcano, the Yokomon saying that it boils away all the germs. 

Suddenly, we started hearing noises that sounded like the volcano was erupting. Fire then shot out of the fountain, making all of us jump back, some falling (mainly Tai). The Yokomon said something about a lake so we went over to it, however when we got there all the water was gone. We went back to the fountain and Tai tried to lower a bucket down into it, but it was also dried out. When he tried pulling it back up, the bucket was scorched off.

Matt then brought up the gear, and thats when we realized that the hill it crashed into was the mountain that the water came from. The Yokomon said that the water came from a lake on top of the mountain. So it was entirely possible that the gear affected the water. Then they said something about how a fiery Digimon named Meramon guards the mountain.

Tai used his mini-telescope to get a closer look at the mountain, and saw Meramon sliding down the mountain-side. We could hear Meramon saying he's too hot and he was also crying. Palmon spoke up about how he shouldn't be hurt from his own heat. He was heading towards the village, and we had to act fast as he was already at the bottom of the mountain.

Sora said to freeze and stay still, but Tai just ended up running when Meramon exited the forest. Everyone started running to the dried up lake. The Yokomon were following us as well. We went into the boat, Sora and Tai making sure everyone was safe. I looked to at the edge of the once-lake, and Biyomon was up there making sure everyone made it. Sora started running towards her, and then Meramon walked up behind Biyomon.

He pushed her off the edge and was now tumbling down the mountain. Sora caught her when she got to the bottom. Meramon summoned a ball of fire in his hand, and Biyomon went back up to fight him. As Biyomon's spiral twister hit him, he just soaked it up! He wasn't even affected by it. She kept hitting him but he still was't fazed. Then he hit her with a ball of fire. The Digimon ran up to fight, as did Tai and Izzy. They all ran up besides Sora and started attacking. However all the attacks did nothing and he grew in size.

Meramon jumped into the lake, but as he was falling Biyomon digivolved! She turned into a giant orange bird, a phoenix I think, named Birdramon. She flew up and took Meramon in the air, dropping him on the edge of the lake. She kept flying higher, and then dove down around him. Meramon tried hitting her with fireballs and one hit her wing. Birdramon dove back towards him, but kept getting hit by fireballs. Sora kept trying to help Birdramon but it wasn't working very well. Birdramon flew in the air, closing her wings, opening them to reveal a shimmering glow, the closed them. Meteors came out of her wings, and they hit Meramon right in the stomach, a black gear flying out of him into the air, exploding.

I hear Matt say "I suppose if you had a big black gear stuck inside of you, you'd act a little crazy too." Birdramon turned back into Biyomon and flew down to Sora, hugging her. I couldn't really hear what they were saying but it was definitely nice having someone to protect my sister. I looked back up and saw that the fire had disappeared.

Once everyone was back in the village we asked Meramon why he attacked us. Apparently he couldn't control himself. I was afraid of not being able to control myself so I felt bad for him. He said the last thing he remembered was being hit with the gear. Eventually he went back to protect the mountain.

Then Biyomon mentioned that we still hadn't had any food, and we all agreed to eat. We were given things that looked like seeds, but I was honestly to hungry to care so I just ate it anyways. It wasn't that bad so I didn't know why everyone was complaining. Labramon sat by my side, happily munching on her food. As I sat there eating I wondered what would happen next.

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