(Chapter 8)Giant Electric Bug

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"We passed this place before." Sora says, as we've walked around in a circle for the millionth time.
"You mean we've walked all the way around the whole planet?" Joe, sometimes I really wonder how smart you are.

"Yeah, cause that's the reason we've been here more than once, clearly we walked around the planet." I mocked, "Not because we don't know where we are and have been walking in circles for an hour under false guidance." I state looking at the two who have been commanding us around like an army.

"That just can't be, I can't walk that far can I? I'm so tired." Mimi kneeled on the ground. T.K. fell to the ground, also tired. I looked around at everyone, they all looked like they would pass out, except Sora, Tai, Matt, Joe, and I. Tai, Sora, and I had been on the same soccer team growing up, so it was obvious we had a lot of energy.

T.K. spoke up, "My feet are hot!" Matt, Sora, and Tai agreed we were going to take a break from walking. Izzy was over by Mimi, messing with his computer, seeing if he could communicate with the 'aliens' or something.

I walked over and sat next to Mimi, who was now leaning against a tree. "I hate it here." I said to her, "Same, I want to go home and sleep in my nice comfy bed with my A/C on." She said in response, "That would be nice, I can't wait to go home and enjoy eating real food." I add, "Yeah that would be nice." She says back.

Our conversation was interrupted by Tai aggressively banging on Izzy's laptop. Izzy snatched it back and started scolding him. 'Can we just not yell for a second?' I thought, annoyed by all the yelling that has happened in the past 24 hours.

"Hey, you're acting like I hurt the dang thing." Tai spoke. "Too bad your brain isn't as big as your hair. Izzy probably doesn't want fingerprints and dents all over his computer." Sora has a point.

Tai just 'hmphs' and crosses his arms. Then he spots something. "Hey look, do you guys see that smoke over there? I'll check it out." He says. I look over and see what he's talking about. There's a lot so I assume it could be a factory, but who knows.

"The attention span of a gnat." I snort at Joe's comment. Labramon giggles a little as well. I startle at Izzy's shout. His computer turned on but his battery was almost dead.

Tai calls us over to where he's standing. I stand up and hold my hand out to help Mimi. "Thanks." Once we get over there we see a factory, so I was right. "Let's hope they can manufacture a way for us to get home." Matt I will slap you.

"There's gotta be someone running the equipment." Sora says. "Well I don't know, it appears to be doing quite well by itself." Izzy replies. We split up, I went with Mimi, Matt, Izzy, and T.K. while the others went in a different direction.

We ended up at a door that says 'POWER SUPPLY' and opened it up. Inside there was a giant battery. Izzy stepped inside stating that a battery that large could charge his computer for life. I watch as he tries to find a way to access it.

We, minus Izzy, decided to walk around and explore. I watched as a machine added parts to something. Suddenly the lights turned off and the machines stopped working. After a while they all turned back on. Weird.

I went to go find Izzy to see if he knew what happened and found an open door to the battery. This place is really weird. I went inside and found Izzy sitting there spaced out. I looked around the inner battery walls and saw a bunch of weird symbols.

"Izzy? IZZY!" Tentomon shouts, gaining Izzy's attention. "Huh? What did you say?" He replies. "You were off in another world. Look at the screen." Tentomon says. "It's acting rather strangely. Perhaps you should stop focusing on the problem and start looking for a solution." I walk over and look at Izzy's computer screen. "Weird." I stare blankly at the screen.

"Your friends are in trouble," Tentomon continues, "Can't you feel it in your bones?" "Uh, my Digivice has been activated. "Weird." I repeat.

A couple of seconds pass by. "Uh Tentomon to Izzy-mon! Are you reading me?" Tentomon askes. "Izzy?" I press on. Izzy then spewed some words that I couldn't process. He makes my brain hurt.

"Oh my, it's getting hot in here! Ow! Ow! I'm burning up! Do something quickly. I'm Being zapped!!" Tentomon shouts. "Yeah it is getting toasty in here, and all this fur isn't helping!" Labramon adds, panting heavily.

"What's going on? Hey!" Izzy shouts in confusion. "Labramon?" I worry. "Ouch! Ouch! I can't stand it! Help!" Tentomon shouts back. Izzy looks at his Digivice as Tentomon keeps shouting. I look at mine as well to see it beeping rapidly. He turned off the power from his computer and Tentomon & Labramon stopped burning up.

"Oh, I don't like computers." Tentomon says, relieved at the fact he wasn't in pain anymore. "What was that?" I ask. "What happened to my Digivice?" Izzy asks back "I don't know but whatever it was it happened to mine as well." I reply. We both stared at each other in confusion. We ran to find the others.

"Hey everybody! You'll never guess what we just discovered." Izzy calls out as soon as we find the others. "So what's up?" Matt says. "Well the computer program operating this factory is what's producing the generating power to keep it going." Izzy starts. "Even more incredible, in Digiworld, basic data and simple information are a living, viable substance! It's alive!" He finishes.

"Hey you guys! Listen up!" Tai appears with the rest. "I don't like the tone of his voice." Matt says. "We have got to get out of here now!" Tai shouts. "What do you mean Tai?" Matt asks. Then, the ground in front of us explodes, revealing some robot Digimon. We all scream as we see him.

"Capture intruders! Sensors detect hostility. Bring intruders into firing range!" It says. "Uh Mr. whatever-man, are you talking to us?" Mimi asks. "Bring missiles to position!" It shouts. I put my arm in front of Mimi, and drag her out as it fires said missiles. T.K. was still there, but Gabumon digivolved to Garurumon and hit the missiles into the sky with his paw. One of the missiles exploded while the other came back and started shooting us. Agumon then digivolved to Greymon and hit the missiles with his tail.

The robot Digimon, Andromon, threw Greymon and Garurumon to another floor and jumped down to fight them. They tried to attack but Andromon blocked them. We watched as the Digimon were losing against him. I looked over to Izzy, only to see Tentomon digivolving!

"Guys look!" I shouted. The others looked over to see it too. "Tentomon digivolve to, Kabuterimon!" Everyone cheered while I backed away from him. I was a little, scratch that, really scared of bugs. He flew down to the others to help them against Andromon. Andromon fired more missiles. Kabuterimon fired at his leg and a gear came out of it.

Andromon apologized for attacking us, saying how he usually isn't violent. "I can't answer your questions on how this place came to be or what it's for, but I can be of some help. The best way to escape from here is to follow the underground waterway. The labyrinth begins just beyond this point."

Mimi was in front of me, standing in the way of the entrance to the waterway. I was about to push her as this was taking forever. Finally she jumped down. "Ok that only took 4 minutes. Now let's get out of here." Tai says. " Am I the only one that finds strolling through the sewers just the slightest bit disgusting?" Joe asks. "No." I say.

I zoned out for a bit, but I snapped from it as everyone started laughing. "What happened?" I asked. No response. Oh well, we'll just continue down the sewers I guess.

Hello! Sorry I haven't been active in a while. I hope this chapter makes up for it. I tried writing more dialogue as it's not one of my strongest skills.

See you next time!

The Crest of Protection (The Opening Flame) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now