His eyes widen in shock. "The very ex that got married recently?" Bentley asked to me in clarification.

"Yeah, but the wedding didn't go as planned. And Lucas, my ex, I think he's trying to get back with me." I sadly explain to Bentley.

"Do you want to? I mean, do you want to get back with him?" Bentley asked to me.

My eyes widen in shock. "No! No, of course not. You might not believe it, but I've come to like Andrew in the two months I stayed here, like a lot. I don't even know if I can just call it 'like.' I feel so much more. Every sense of emotion with him feels heightened." I said to Bentley.

"Maybe the word you are looking for is love?" Bentley asked.

"Love? I don't know. I feel like I don't know enough about Andrew to love him." I said to Bentley as I look away as I look back at Bentley.

"I'm sure he'd prefer your soufflés over a grand restaurant meal any day. He likes to cook but has never cooked for the public. You know his smile is reserved for people he considers family, and that includes you. I'd say you know enough." Bentley said to me.

"Is it practically possible to fall in love with someone who you've known for only a short while?" I asked to Bentley.

"You don't measure love in time, Amelia. You measure love in connection and transformation. And we don't use a word like 'practical' with love. Love is pure, reckless, meaningful, wicked, but never practical. The heart doesn't war a watch. It doesn't care how long you've known someone. What it cares about is how that person makes you feel. And how does Andrew make you feel?"

"He makes me feel confident, empowered, and free. He makes me feel valued. He makes me feel... alive. Seeing him smile makes my day. He's the reason for my smile, and I want to be the reason for his. I wish I could bottle up everything I feel when I'm with him and savor it for a lifetime." I said to Bentley.

"There you go, you have your answer. Sit on it for a night and think about it. Misunderstandings are a part of life. But a person in love should know when to let go and when to hold on tight." Bentley said to me with a smile on his face.

"You always have some good advice to give, don't you?" 

"Well, what can I say, I was a big Casanova in my time. It's all about the experience." Bentley said to me.

The fun tone in Bentley's voice brings a smile to my face for the first time since I've entered the house this evening.

"Bentley, do you think Andrew loves me?" I asked to him.

"I can't speak for Andrew, but what I do know is that he cares for you. And you know what they say, love makes people reckless. Maybe that is what caused this misunderstanding." Bentley said to me.

Love... there it is again. Do I love him? I don't know. Do I want experience what being in love with Andrew feels like? Undoubtedly, absolutely yes.

At the sound of the door creaking open, both our heads snap down the stairs. 

"I think Andrew's home." I hear Bentley said.

"I'll go down and talk to him." I said to Bentley with a small smile.

Sprinting down the stairs, I reach the living room, eager to talk to Andrew.

"Andrew?" I called him as I hear him responds to me.


With his back against me, I notice a slight drawl in his voice, indicating he's drunk. But that is not what surprises me the most.

It's the woman hanging onto his arm, her hands around his neck, a big sleepy smile plastered onto her face.

"Maya?" I called the woman out from Andrew's arms with a widen shock in my eye.

His Personal Chef (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now