In Love With My Bestie...

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In Love With My Bestie…

You very well know I like tranquil

And I know you love to blabber

How many times did I tell you

That I love you

I know I never meant that

I felt it’s most insane

To fall for your bestfriend

But you always wanted to hear it

Although upset; you were always there for me

You were my loving bestie…

I know the brand of your sanitary

You very well know the flavor of my contraceptive

That I used with different girls

With whom I did twist n twirls

I know you never approved of it

Yet you never let go off me

For you were my very own bestie…

I knew your cup size

You knew when I masturb###

We sat for hours together

On the beach, watching sun go down

Listening to you, glances at bikini clads I did steal

You were scared ‘I’d get bruises that meds cannot heal

For I was a jock, an infamous player

You warned me, told me I was wrong

You also accompanied me, so trouble was at par

I wasn’t the one to care

Taken for granted, you were by me

Still staying on my side, you were my sweetest bestie..

I know your favorite ice cream is google berry n cream

You know vodka with rum is my favorite drink

You gave me the cover

Bunked the class, I whenever

You stood by me

Even when my parents were at glee

I know I was selfish

Even with you I wasn’t true

I lied, I cheated with words polite

But you caught me quick

Very well you know me

You are my very close bestie…

You know that I screwed on my first date

I know about the days that made you feisty

Days that said try me not

You witnessed my first fling

And helped me in my blind dating

We were so close; fully into each other

You were discreet and friendly

And I was always silly

I teased you, mocked you and irritated

You never gave up befriending me

You are my adorable bestie…

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