Chapter 2

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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Building, Department One, Esthirant, Parpaldian Empire.
6 Greguary, 1639.

In the office of the first branch of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, two women were seen staring at each other with neutral expressions, in front of them was a steaming cup of tea. They were Selina and Remille, each representing their own country.

They continued to gaze at each other for a full ten minutes, before Remille finally gave in and became the first to speak.

"Well then, let's reintroduce ourselves. My name is Remille, the future wife of Emperor Ludius," said Remille.

"Pleased to meet you, Lady Remille. I am Selina Lunaria Selachimorpha, the sole heir of the Lunaria family," Selina replied with a smile.

"Well then, let's skip the pleasantries... You are the Muan Puppet State, right? It's hard to believe that a country outside the Civilized Zone could advance this much overnight," said Remille, once again being very frank.

"Ahaha, I agree... The Republic of Erebea is not from this world... We were mysteriously transferred to this world on New Year's Eve," Selina began telling the story of their country.

"...Do you expect me to believe a story that even children would find hard to believe?" Remille looked at Selina with a puzzled expression.

"I know it's hard to believe our story, but this is the reality. We are no longer in our home and we need other countries to survive," Selina said, trying to look desperate in front of Remille to get her attention.

"So, you came straight to us? The strongest country in the third civilization zone?" Remille asked, impressed.

"Of course, after we learned about the existence and presence of your country from the Kingdom of Fenn, we immediately came to visit our 'new neighbor'," Selina said.

"It's good that you have manners and know who's strong here. Well, we can establish diplomatic relations with you. Normally, we wouldn't, but it seems you'll be useful to us," Remille said with a noble tone.

"I am very grateful. So, please accept the gifts prepared by our country," Selina immediately pulled out two boxes from her bag, don't ask how they fit in there.

"This one is to be given to His Majesty Emperor Ludius, while this one is specifically for you, Lady Remille," Selina handed over the two boxes.

"How did you know that you were going to meet a woman as your interlocutor?" Selina laughed.

"Of course, it's a woman's instinct," they both laughed at the idea. "A woman's instinct is always accurate, even if the world is different."

Remille then decided to open the present for herself and was impressed when she saw several high-quality magical stones and the most interesting item was a bottle made from plastic.

"What's this?" Remille asked as she picked up the bottle.

"Oh, that's a girl's shampoo," Selina replied as she ran her long hair through her fingers. "It's very popular among young girls in our country, and you can see the results directly."

Remille was impressed again by the sample products from the country named Erebea, it seemed she had just fallen into a marketing trap.

"So uhh, we also want to establish trading relations with you," Selina said, handing Remille some papers. "These are the materials we want to export to you. Please take a look first."

Remille put down the shampoo bottle and took the papers from Selina, then read them carefully.

"Hmm, you produce Magical Stones... And what's this, Mithril?" Remille asked, her eyes widening. "You must be very wealthy."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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