Chapter 1

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The capital of Amanoki, the Kingdom of Fenn.
5 Greguary, 1639.

King Shihan appeared to be gathering with other important figures in the governmet of the Kingdom of Fenn and also the Fenn Military, discussing about two creatures that flew over Amanoki about half an hour ago.

"So, what do you think those creatures are?" asked Shihan.

"If I may, Your Majesty, they are likely to be new breed of Parpaldia Wyvern that will be used to attack us later!" said someone from the Military.

"In my opinion, Your Majesty, those creatures are similar to the aircraft owned by Mu that are currently active in their Air Force," said someone from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"So... Whatever or whoever sent them can threaten us, huh... It's unlikely to be Mu, they're too far from us, it's probably from Parpaldia... If that's the case, then we can't do anything," said Shihan sadly.

They all looked gloomy and brainstormed on how to deal with this problem. Unbeknownst to them, about 8 kilometers from Amanoki, there was already an Expedition Fleet from a country that was not from this world.

RES Dralkira, which was in the front position, had already seen the new plain and provided the data to all the ships in the Fleet. It turned out that the reports and data sent by the two F-35MC were accurate.

Rear Admiral Thames appeared to be observing the new land from a distance, he was currently on RES Gregory, the flagship of this Expedition Fleet. He looked to the right and saw RES Aquilon, which was only about 700 meters away. All the ships in the Expedition Fleet were now close to each other and formed a kind of Diamond formation.

"Sir, we will arrive in this City in 3 kilometers, our two F-35MC have requested permission to land, and it seems that the waters here are shallow... We won't be able to get any closer after one kilometer," said the ship's Captain, who was also Rear Admiral Thames' XO.

"Understood, bring us closer to the City, and after we stop, sound the ship's horn to get their attention. Is our LCAC ready to depart?" asked Thames.

"Yes, sir. The diplomat and the escort have also been taken to RES Acanthus to board the LCAC," replied the Captain.

"Good, then."

They waited for a moment, and finally, they stopped exactly 1.5 kilometers from the city they were heading to and immediately sounded the ship's horn, which echoed loudly. After that, one unit of LCAC carrying two APC Dragoons and around one platoon of Erebean Marines, the diplomat and their escort were also there.

From the deck of RES Aquilon, one of the Chartelot-class supercarriers that was also sent, five AMH-1Z Vipers flew in a V formation and escorted the LCAC to the shore. The LCAC arrived at the beach near the City they were heading to, and there were already hundreds of civilians crowding around the place. They seemed to be shocked and amazed by the vehicle they brought.

Princess Selina, who was inside the APC Dragoon, felt that the LCAC door had been lowered, and the APC she was riding slowly descended from the LCAC and touched the ground. They stopped for a moment, and Princess Selina decided to get out of the APC with Hanson and the Erebean Marines.

Selina took a deep breath of fresh air and nodded her head. This place was amazing, the air was fresh and not polluted. "This place is extraordinary, the air is fresh and not polluted... Hmm, the scenery is also similar to Fuso during the Edo period, isn't it?" said Selina.

"You're right, Your Majesty. But it seems that the locals are curious about us. Hopefully, the local government will arrive soon so we can get this over with," said Hanson, feeling uncomfortable as he saw many locals watching them.

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