Part 2: chapter 5

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I like to think the house elves had waffles for breakfast on Christmas Eve just for me. I mean there were only about ten students in the whole school right now due to break.

I smiled to myself as I stacked waffle upon waffle. I had been the first one in the great hall this particular morning. Poppy wasn't in bed when I woke up but I couldn't find her.

As I began to cut my four or five waffles an owl landed at the table with me. I looked at it as it dropped a letter from its mouth with my name written on it.

"Thank you." I smiled at the owl and fed it a small piece of waffle before I flew off.

There were actually two letters.

I recognized one as Leander Prewit's hand writing. He had written me a whole bunch of letter while I was in saint Mungos. It took me forever to read them because the Sallow twins kept taking them and teasing Poor Leander.

I glanced at the other letter and opened it first.


I have become quiet comfortable here in Feldcroft. I hope you'll be okay if I spend Christmas at the school. Don't feel like doing it alone.

By the time you read this I'm already on my way so you can't say no.

Cerus Willows

I rolled my eyes as I crumpled his note and tossed it into the giant fire place.

I went to grab Leanders but when I put my hand down to where I placed it it was gone. I looked around and under the table and that's when I saw a pair of feet sitting across from me.

I looked up as Sebastian grinned. "Did your secret admirer send you a Christmas letter?" He teased opening it.

"Hey, that's a crime!" I said reaching for the letter.

Sebastian laughed and stood on top of the long table. Thank Merlin it was only us in this room.

"My dear Ava," Sebastian began reading out loud. "I haven't heard from you all break and hope staying at the school isn't as bad as I feel it would be."

I tried to reach for the letter again but Sebastian held his arm holding the letter straight up in the air above his head and cranked his neck back so he could still read it. While he used his other hand to block me.

"I feel bad saying it again in a letter but I feel I must admit. I have had feelings for you since your first year here. Garreth always told me I shouldn't even try but I think it is worth letting you know again," Sebastian said again as a question, "that I'm in love with you."

Sebastian finally sat down criss cross on top of the table smiling at me, "love always, Leander."

I finally yanked the letter back and tried not to smile at him, "that's immature. You shouldn't bully him."

"Im not." He teased still.

"I think it's brave when someone confesses even when they know they have no shot."

Sebastian held back laughing for only a moment long enough for me to realize I said something mean.

"Oh wait, that sounds awful..." I sighed as Sebastian started laughing.

"Sallow, off the table. You are 7th year. Act like it." Sharp said as he walked to the professors table.

Sebastian got down and sat next to me before starting to fill his own plate. "The elves must love you. We have had waffles so much for breakfast since you came back."

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