"I don't remember that happening at all"

"Me neither, alcohol does that sometimes. I just remember your dumbass falling all over the place"

"Well I remember you drunk texting me before we went to bed in my room!" Izuku argued while rubbing his left temple. God even when he raised his voice a little it throbbed horribly. Katsuki growled furiously before grabbing a fistful of green hair and pulling him out the room. "OW OW KACCHAN THAT HURTS!"

"SHUT UP BEFORE YOU WAKE ANYONE ELSE UP" Katsuki seethed and pulled him into the bathroom where he checked in the cupboard underneath the sink. He rummaged through bottles of cleaning supplies to pull out a dry rag. The blonde growled and sat down ontop of the toilet lid glaring at the greenette. "Go get Ponytails makeup bag"


"Deku if you can be a little less dense, it would definitely help with this god damn headache!" Bakugo barked angrily. He rubbed his temple while muttering under his breath.

Izuku now felt guilt building in his heart for making him have to go through such pain. He pressed his lips to a thin line before nodding with determination. The freckled student quickly stepped out and looked around for Momo.

It sounded like everyone was gathered at the lounging area all dealing with their headaches as well. Izuku had went to his room and crept out the window then walked barefoot on the hot sand to the girls cabin. He hissed in pain everytime the soles of his feet touched the burning sand.

The freckled boy made it to the porch of the cabin and looked inside to see none of the girls out and about. Maybe the commotion in the boys' cabin was also the girls. Hopefully Hagakure wasn't just sleeping in the living room naked. Izuku tiptoed to what he assumed was Momos room.

He knocked once then waited for a moment to hear for an answer on the other side. The boy subtly pushed open the door that thankfully didn't creak like the rest of the cabin. It was empty besides a half packed suitcase and clothes littering the floor.

He peeked down the hallway to see if Momo was on her way back. He felt like he was stealing, but he isn't, he's just borrowing without permission. Not only that he actually felt like Mineta was rubbing off on him, but this wasn't for perverted reasons. His heart nearly leaped out of his chest once he found the expensive looking makeup bag hiding behind the suitcase.

Quickly Izuku snatched the makeup bag and swiftly booked it towards the exit trying to pull some goofy kind of mission impossible made him internally laugh. He ran quickly to the back of the boys' cabin while kicking up sand. He hopped back up through the bedroom window and sighed in relief. The greenette walked back into the bathroom to have his jaw hang loosely.

Katsuki was half naked with a towel barely managing to cover up his v line. Izuku gawked at the display and quickly turned around to face the door. The boy anxiously giggled to try and make light of almost seeing Katsuki naked.

"Jesus christ you are so childish" The blonde rolled his red eyes though the greenette couldn't see it. A tight lipped smirk was now stuck on his handsome face from how cute he found it. "Give me the bag" Izuku obeyed but didn't dare peel his eyes away from the wooden door. Katsuki laughed as he took the bag from Izukus shaking hand. "I don't know why you're getting so shy, we all get naked in the locker rooms all the time"

"This is different Kacchan!" Izuku persisted while raising his hands to cover up his face. He felt Katsukis hot breath on the shell of his ear, it was nerve wracking to say the least.

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