chapter 7💎

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So I'm here

Continuing from last chapter.

----------‐----------------------------------------------------------‐-----‐---------------------------------------------Ansh pov

Dev: I want pia. Your to be wife.

WTH he is thinking.  Did he lost his mind or what. I losing my control. I want to break his face now.

Ansh: I think you directly came from mental hospital. What if u wish also u won't get her.

Dev fisted his hand.

Dev: what if I steal her from u.

Ansh : If you do something like that, then u will see my worst side.

He stooped his feet. He left from my office.

As soon as he left Vikram came into my cabin.

Vikram: ansh  what happened

Now why he looked worried.

Ansh: he had gone mad. He is saying he will steal my pia from me.

Vikram: ansh u left him alive.

He looked at me stunned.  I understood. He know I love her like I never loved like anyone. I'm really addicted to her like she is a drug to me.

Ansh: I know he can't even touch her. I'll make sure that.

Vikram looked at me smiling.

Vikram: I'm glad that u loved one girl . I thought u will be remains same like that . I think pia changed u.

Yeah he is right pia changed me like No one did.

Ansh: yeah u are right.

I want to see her. That too right now.

Ansh : I want to see her.

Vikram looked at me with teasing.

Vikram: hmm someone is getting impatient to see his love.

Yeah he is right. I'm becoming more impatient to see her.

Ansh: let's go yo her office.

Vikram: I think she is in some meeting .

Hmm he is correct. Yeah may she had. While thinking I got some mischievous idea in my brain.

Ansh: I'm going to her office not to her meeting room.

Vikram: ok fine go.

Thank u yaar.

I went to my car. I started the engine and started to her office.

When reached there. All employees stared at me like I'm a devil or some alien.

I glared at them.  They all sat silently.

I directly went to her office. I should say she had a good taste. Her office is very clean and beautiful.

I sat on chair and waited for my love or should I say my wife to be to appear.


Pia's pov.

Just now I finish my meeting successfully. It's a great one till I had . It's a big deal for our company. Now I cracked it . It will be a good sign for our company in fashion sector.

I reached my cabin. I need some rest . I locked the door and turned.
I saw someone sitting on my chair. Who is that? No one in my office will come into my cabin till I give them permission. Not even vish.

Pia: who is it?

The person in the chair turned.  OMG am I dreaming. Ansh is here.

Ansh: hey baby doll.

Pia: what are doing here?

I asked him. He at me with mischievous smile on his lips. Ok something is going to happen. 

Ansh came near me and removed the hair stands falling on my face and tucked them behind my ear.

Ansh: U look beautiful pia.

He whispered in my ears. Is he for real? What if dad see us?

Pia: what are u doing here? I thought you have office.

Ansh looked at me

Ansh: I thought to see u . That's why I'm here. I think u are not happy to see me here?

He said sadly. Who said I'm not happy to see him?

Pia: no not like that. I thought you were busy. That's why I asked like that.

He smiled looking at me.

Ansh: ok so how was the meeting?

Wait how he know that. I mean no one know about it  except me and my family.

Pia: it went well. But how u know about it?

He looked at me and started laughing. What's wrong with him?

Ansh: baby do u think I don't know about u. Nah I know every move u do.

How he know that?

Pia: how?

Ansh came close to me. I stepped back until I reach wall.

Ansh: Because u are going to be mine in 2 weeks. Ur husband is not an ordinary man, he is a mafia king babydoll.

Ok I understood.  He is a mafia king. Why he has to be this romantic to say this? I slightly pushed him.

Pia: So u know our marriage date.

Ansh : yeah. I'm eagerly waiting for that day to come.

Hmm even me but I'm a bit nervous.

I don't know what got into me I hugged him. He also responded with double force. He hugged me more tightly.

Pia: I'm nervous ansh.

I finally said what I felt.

Ansh: Don't worry pia. I'm there for u.

I'm relaxed now. We broke the hug when we heard a knock on my cabin door.

Pia: ansh u sit here I'll open the door.

Ansh nodded. I went to open door.
Here comes my best friend.  She is looking irritated. But why?

Vishika: why it took so much time to open the door? By the way  why ansh is here? I heard he is in ur cabin.

Vish looked at me worried.  What happens if ansh is here?

Pia:yeah he is here.

Ansh: what happened pia? Who is it?

Pia: it's vish.( to vishika) come inside.

Vish came in and say him somewhat hesitantly.

Ansh: hi vishika

Vishika: hi.

We chatted sometime and ansh left. But not before kissing my cheeks.

At evening we too left to our house.

Pia pov ends

In dinning at sharma's mansion.

All are sitting on dinning table.

Nishant: I think ansh came to u cabin and spent time with you princess.

Pia choked her food.

Pia: how u know it dad?

Nishant: princess I'm ur boss I even know what he did too.

Pia blushed hard. All had dinner and went to their rooms and slept.

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