chapter 22: heathen

Start from the beginning

"We should all do one. I've been meaning to try this one dance–"

Amber and Tara shared another look, feeling left out.

"Y/N doesn't do Tiktok," Amber interrupted with a frown, narrowing her gaze at Anika.

Y/N turned to Amber with a slight frown.

"It's okay, Ambs. I could try it, I dunno." She aimlessly shrugged.

She wrapped her arm around Amber and yanked her into her, aggressively pressing several kisses all over her face. Amber's sudden attitude melted away as she squealed in laughter, reveling in the kisses.

Tara rolled her eyes and picked at her food, feeling a little hurt. She and Amber had been friends with Y/N practically all their lives, with Tara recently third wheeling with them for the past four years.

Now with Anika being all friendly with Y/N, it seemed like she was on the outside looking in.

"Soo about Prom.." Liv said as she slammed her elbows on the table, resting her chin on her folded hands, trying to continue the light mood. "Does anyone have any ideas what they're gonna wear?"

"I hope the theme is a masquerade ball so we can all wear masks and not have to worry about Ghostface," Chad joked, but no one laughed.

Suddenly, Ethan walked in, making his way to their table, a tray of food in his hands.

Mindy was showing Anika a meme when she also noticed Ethan, her body language shifting to unwelcoming. She glared at him as he approached the table.

"What are you doing here?" Mindy asked, her tone accusatory.

"To have lunch with my friends..?"

Ethan was taken aback by her sour attitude. He looked at everyone, confused.

He had no idea what was going on. A few days ago, Mindy wanted to integrate him into the group and now she was being cold with him.

Amber scoffed with Y/N's arm still around her. "We're not your friends."

She felt Y/N shake her but Amber avoided her scorching stare.

"Stay the fuck away from us, Ghostface," Mindy hissed at him, shooting daggers.

"Who the hell is Ghostface?"

Ethan looked at everyone with a muddled expression. Mindy just thought he looked ridiculous.

Anika sighed, feeling embarrassed for her friend.

"Ya gotta keep up, my guy."

"Ethan, we appreciate your concern, but we're all still a bit shaken up," Y/N said, attempting to alleviate the battle that was going on between the two.

Ethan shook his head, feeling hurt that he was already being ostracized by his new friends.

"That doesn't give Mindy a right to treat me like an enemy."

"Here's how it looks like, yeah? We get attacked on Saturday, you pop into the picture out of nowhere trying to "save" Y/N from a creep who also showed up dead that same night. And then I get attacked the day after."

Each of her words was like a punch in the gut to Ethan.

The other night, Mindy was happily welcoming him into their friend group. Now she was accusing him of attacking them. He felt defenseless under all these accusing eyes.

Although Y/N watched the exchanged with a frown on her face, she was internally amused on how Ethan was now on the hot seat.

They managed to turn everyone against Sidney and now Ethan just happened to wondrously spill into the mix. Everything was turning out in their favor. 

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