chapter 23: alone

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Y/N was sitting on the couch, wrapped in a cozy blanket, engrossed in the movie playing on the TV. The house was quiet and still, except for the sound of the movie and her occasional sips from the cup of hot chocolate.

As she watched the movie, she felt herself getting more and more absorbed in the plot. Suddenly, she was startled by the sound of something opening and closing.

She paused the movie and listened. She heard footsteps approaching the living room, and her heart began to race. She was not expecting anyone, and in these uncertain times, she knew it was best to be cautious.

As Amber walked into the room, Y/N's heart rate skyrocketed, but she quickly realized it was her. Y/N stood up from the couch, but didn't approach Amber.

"Oh my god. You scared me. I didn't even hear you come in."

Y/N nearly jumped out of her skin, placing a hand on her still rapidly beating heart.

"I'm just that good, huh." Amber smirked, standing in place.

It was only then that Y/N took a gander at her outfit. Instead of wearing her usual black hoodie and dark jeans, she had worn it over the Ghostface robe.

Amber released the backpack which had the mask and the knife she used. Her hair was a little disheveled, her face covered in sweat. She tried to steady her breathing. But the adrenaline from the kill was still there.

Y/N could see that she was tense, and her eyes were filled with a mix of disregard and anger. Y/N heart ached for her, knowing that she had been out there risking her life for the sake of Y/N.

"Why are you wearing that? Who did you..." Y/N started to ask, but Amber interrupted her.

"I killed him," she apathetically responded, her voice devoid of any remorse. Her eyes showed no regret behind her words. She was way past that already.

"Who?" Y/N asked, feeling a little uneasy.

Right now, she was at a loss to name anyone who had pissed off Amber. Amber was hostile toward everybody who crossed her path in relation to Y/N, making the entire student body on her hit list.

"That shithead you tutored or whatever in the library," Amber huffed, her voice slightly muffled as she yanked the robe over her head.

Once she took the fabric off, she sighed, a satisfied smirk making its way to her lips.

"Oh.." Y/N said, feeling a little shocked.

She was unsure of what to say but she didn't think thanking her would be her next words.

"Thank you, baby. Are you alright?"

Finally, Y/N got the push to move over to Amber. There was just something about seeing Amber in the Ghostface outfit that she didn't like, but also didn't entirely hate.

"Yeah. Well, maybe just a few bruised ribs. He was pretty strong for a string bean," she said, trying to sound casual but failing.

Y/N could see that she was in pain, and she felt a surge of protectiveness for her. Y/N knew how tough she was, but Y/N also know that she was only human.

"I hate seeing you like this every time you go out and kill someone," Y/N said softly, reaching out to touch her arm.

Amber released a deep sigh, taking Y/N into her arms. She could feel the tension in Amber's muscles.

"I would kill anyone that tried to hurt you. You know that. Doesn't matter if I put my life on the line," she replied, her voice firm and resolute.

Y/N could see the determination in her eyes, and she knew that Amber was not exaggerating. Amber was ready to do whatever it took to keep her safe, even if it meant risking her own life, even to the point of taking someone else's.

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