chapter 31: chain reaction

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Mindy stared at her phone, her fingers poised over the touchscreen keyboard. She took a deep breath and began typing out a message to the group chat.

"Meeting at my place at 8. We gonna talk about Ghostface again, bitchesss," her text woke the groupchat.

She hit send and waited for the replies to flood in. The little notification bubbles started appearing one by one. All in all, they were indifferent about the gathering.

Mindy frowned as she read their responses. It seemed like her friends were more interested in sheltering their own lives than the Ghostface murders that had been haunting their small town for months now.

It's like since so many attacks have happened and they couldn't do anything about it or their many failed attempts to protect themselves from Ghostface, especially when everyone was there.

Mindy sighed, frustrated. She couldn't blame them entirely; the Ghostface killings were terrifying, and no one wanted to get involved. But Mindy couldn't shake the feeling that they might have information or ideas that could help solve the case.

But even though the friends relied to her message with disinterest, one by one, they all started showing up. She nervously glanced at her phone as the doorbell rang.

Her friends had begrudgingly agreed to come over to discuss the Ghostface murders, but not many of them were sure if it was a good idea.

The first to show up was Anika, ever the so caring girlfriend, at least she appeared to be to avoid being on Mindy's radar. And it was working like a charm.

Anika greeted Mindy enthusiastically, swinging her arms around the girl and bringing her in for a quick kiss.

Mindy grinned to herself when all of her friends were seated in her faintly lit living room, the same one they were all in with Sidney.

"Hey," Tara said with a half-hearted smile as she walked in, Sam and Richie trailing behind her.
"Thanks for having us, Mindy."

Mindy nodded and greeted each of her friends as they entered, but her eyes were fixed on Sam. She wasn't expecting the older Carpenter to be here.

"Hey, Sam," Mindy said, trying to sound welcoming.

"I didn't think you were coming too."

Sam shrugged and looked at her sister.

"Wherever Tara goes, I go."

It was that no-bullshit attitude that made it sound like it was the simplest thing to say.

Tara nodded, but Mindy could sense some tension in the room. Her friends didn't seem thrilled about Sam's presence, but they didn't protest either. She wasn't exactly a fan favorite right now.

Unfortunately, along with the two sisters came the gawky and standoffish prig of a boyfriend, Richie.

The two made eye contact and Mindy begrudgingly forced a smile. But Richie knew everyone didn't want him there, minus Sam. He could feel it in the room and he wasn't a sight for sore eyes.

Mindy led everyone to the living room, where they settled on the couch and chairs.

Chad was noticeably quiet, his eyes darting around the room, seemingly uncomfortable with the situation.

Liv sat next to her, unaware of her big strong man feeling so small at the moment. She was just interested, practically itching, thinking of how tonight was going to go down.

"So," Mindy began, breaking the awkward silence.

"I guess we should start by sharing any information we might have or discussing any strange occurrences in town lately."

Backstabbed (Amber Freeman x Fem Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz