16 - Lola: Sleepover

Start from the beginning

"Oh I know what this is!"

Ryder's eyes widened in panic at my exclamation, as if he were worried he'd said something wrong.

"This is that cliché part of the movie where I look into your eyes and tell you that 'I'm not like other girls.' Then we'll kiss and music plays in the background and e-"

Ryder shook his head with a sigh and cut me off with a kiss. He pulled away and I nodded my head, a little too stunned to respond.

"Okay then."

His mouth twisted up uncomfortably, and he inhaled a deep breath, scratching the back of his head nervously.

"Speaking of cliché..."

I looked at him curiously as he trailed off with a hesitant grin.

"So I personally have no interest whatsoever in this, but I know girls love this kinda stuff, so..." He paused, seeming unsure.

"Prom is coming up and - "

A short burst of laughter escaped my lips as I realised where he was heading with this and he froze. Realising this probably wasn't the most encouraging sign I could've given him, I smiled, nodding for him to continue.

" - and if you're thinking of going then I just wanted to let you know that I would be willing to accompany you. If you need."

I raised my eyebrows at the approach to the question I'm sure was hidden somewhere in there. His cheeks flushed for the first time I'd ever seen.

As much fun as it might've been to draw out his obvious embarrassment, I decided to be kind this time. I nodded with a smile, leaning forward to kiss him lightly on the lips before pulling away.

"I should probably get home now." He nodded and we climbed back into the car after dumping our rubbish in the bin. I tried to hide my smile as we pulled out of the parking space.

* * *

We pulled to a stop outside my house, and both exited the car. During the ride, I'd hesitantly invited him in, and he'd agreed, just as hesitantly.

I was fumbling around in my bag for my keys when the door magically opened before us. Moments later, Anna peered around it with a grin.


I raised my eyebrows as we entered and walked through to the lounge as Ryder started unlacing his shoes on the stairs. Claire and Mark were curled up on the sofa in front of the television as he twirled blonde strands of hair through the ends of his fingers. I cleared my throat and they jumped into a stance almost guiltily.

"We were just waiting to see how the second date went."

Ryder entered the room and the silence lingered on for just a second too long before I turned to him.

"You okay to watch?"

He smiled, sitting down on the coach by way of reply. Sitting next to him, I couldn't help but smile when he pulled me closer, and nestled my head into his neck.

On the sofa next to us Mark hugged the bowl of popcorn protectively against his chest as Claire leant against him, her feet up against the edge of the couch cushion. Anna took a seat on a beanbag chair on the floor in front of us. They'd all been here enough times to know the drill, but I was surprised how easily Ryder had slipped into the situation.

Even though the television was on, Anna seemed to be the only one still fully concentrating on the screen. Ryder was attempting some sort of plait with my hair, which would no doubt take a bottle of conditioner to fix afterwards, but I didn't stop him. Claire and Mark seemed to having some sort of whispered conversation. Both of their lips paused for a moment as Claire shook her head. Mark simply stared at her.

Anna broke my gaze away from the odd interaction with a loud yawn.

"Hey Lo, any chance I could crash here tonight?"

She looked at me with half-lidded eyes and I shrugged. With my mum still away on a business trip, I couldn't see it being a problem.

"Sure." I turned to Claire and Mark.

"You guys too?"

They looked at each other questioningly before Claire nodded, looking oddly guilty.

"And you?" I twisted my head around to look and Ryder, holding my breath as I waited for his answer. He nodded almost immediately.

"Of course." I returned his smile and turned to the other three, standing from the sofa.

"So you guys know the drill, I'll just show Ryder where we keep the spare stuff."

Ryder narrowed his eyes curiously as we exited the room.

"Mark's stayed her before?" He enquired and I nodded. He tightened his grip on my hand possessively as I led him to the cupboard under the stairs.

"There's a load of blow-up mattresses in there."

"You mean I don't get to share the bed?"

My cheeks flamed scarlet and he chuckled.

"Just kidding."

Blowing it up downstairs probably wasn't one of our most sensible ideas. Now we had a full sized mattress to somehow get up the stairs. What had I been thinking?"

Between the two of us, we managed to drag it up, and I held up one finger, rushing into my room to check for possible embarrassing objects.

I froze in the doorway, my eyes widening in shock at what was in front of me.

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