"Watch your language." After he said that we stared at each other for a few seconds then we both started laughing.

"Didn't you just say fuck that nigga."

"Maybe. But I'm older I can cuss." He laughed again.

"By like 2 months. You not cute nigga."

"You sure? I'm cute enough for your boyfriend to think you cheating on him with me." He said, then he winked at me.

"You alright." I said. We both laughed. We both started eating and had a short conversation. After we finished we left. We decided to go back to my dorm when we walked in Mya and Dillion were on the couch looking for a movie.

"Hey guys wanna watch a movie with us?" Mya asked. I looked at Alex.

"If he's down I'm down." I said pointing at him.

"Well pick a movie weirdos." He says then he sits down on the floor. I went and grabbed snacks for all of us. I sat down on the floor next to Alex. We picked a movie called Hush. But the guys wasn't feeling it.

"Why the fuck is she in the damn woods and she deaf?" Alex asked

"Exactly that's why homie trying to kill her now this shit dumb." Dillion said. Me and Mya just laughed at them and continued watching the movie. After the movie was over we decided to watch Ride Along. Of course we were enjoying that as well. As we continued to watch the movie we heard a knock on the door. We all looked at each other.

"Well, who go answer it?" Dillion asked. Me and Mya looked at each other that look told each other we weren't expecting anyone.

"I'll go." Alex said as he got up. We all watched him go to the door. He opens it. He started talking. Then we saw someone walk in. Then I noticed it was fucking Jeremiah. I got up so fast.

"Jeremiah what are you doing here?" I asked as he smiled

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"Jeremiah what are you doing here?" I asked as he smiled

"I came to see you, you weren't responding to my calls or texts last night."

"I was out with my friends celebrating after they won the game, you knew that." In the corner of my eye, I saw Alex pack up his stuff getting ready to leave. He looked at me and walked over. He hugged me.

"I'll text you later, I'll let you guys catch up." He said as I hugged him back. He whispered in my ear and said.

"I don't approve." He smiled then looked at Jeremiah.

"It was cool meeting you." He said then he left with Dillion. I saw the look in Jeremiah's eyes. So here we go.

"He hugging you and shit."

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