Chapter 10: Battles before the finale (Singularity 2.0)

Comenzar desde el principio

"This ends here, Shibusawa!"

The two oath brothers screamed in joint before launching a barrage of punches and kicks, each strike landing with the force of a sledgehammer. Shibusawa tried to fight back, but he was overwhelmed. In the end, he collapsed to the ground, defeated.

 "I...I cannot believe it. I have been...defeated.. why is it that my glory, my success is never there when I need it.."

Majima stepped forward, grinning ready to destroy the old man's dream.

"Looks like we're the stronger ones, old man. Maybe you should retire this yakuza business and live an honest life, oops too late nyehaha! Corruption ain't the way old man."

With that remark, the three yakuza men walked away getting ready to assist the other groups leaving Shibusawa lying defeated on the ground losing the power of grail channelized into him by Kuze reabsorbing it back. 

( Cut to group 2 fighting with Awano )

Musashi readied her swords, her stance confident and calm facing the man bulging from the grails influence amplifying his strength and speed and other things.  

"This will be a battle to remember." she said with a hint of excitement.

Emiya twirled his twin blades, his eyes locked onto Awano. 

"Don't get to excited and get hurt in the process." he said, his voice steady and focused.

Hans Christian raised his book, channelling his magic.
 "Let's do this," he said, his voice firm and resolute still annoyed in having to participate in another battle.

Awano charged at the three servants, his fists clenched tight. He moved with incredible speed and agility shocking the servants for a few seconds, his attacks landing with tremendous force. Musashi deflected his blows with little ease, her swords moving like an extension of her body slashing at the man with a counterattack who dodged backwards as fast as he could. Emiya darted in and out of range, striking with lightning-fast attacks with his Kanshou and Bakuya looking for blind spots of the man to exploit to which the man simply parried his strikes away. Hans Christian focused on defence, using his magic to shield himself and the two other servants from Awano's blows and to heal any damage caused by him.

The battle raged on, each side giving and taking hits. Awano grew stronger with each passing moment, his power from the grail increasing thanks to Kuze giving strength solely to him rather than the two lieutenants at once as Shibusawa was defeated by group 3 just recently. The servants were beginning to feel the strain, their stamina waning a bit due to having endured a lot of hits.

"We can't keep this up forever.." Musashi said, her breathing heavy but still held her two blades up parrying another one of Awano's strong punches. 

Emiya nodded in agreement.

"We need to end this now."

Hans Christian nodded, his eyes alight with anger.

"I suppose we shall begin our noble phantasms to take care of this nuisance then?"

He began channelling his magic, a bright light enveloping the three servants. Their strength and defence were greatly enhanced, and they felt a small renewed sense of energy from his supportive magic.

"Let's finish this already..!" Hans Christian said, his voice ringing out across the battlefield.

The servants charged at Awano, their noble phantasms at the ready. Musashi struck first, her swords glowing with a divine light. She unleashed her noble phantasm, [ Six Realms Five Rings - The Divine Figure of Kurikara. ] The sheer power of her consecutive slashes sent Awano flying away, his body hitting the ground with a resounding thud leaving him shocked and stunned for just enough time for Emiya to chant his incantation for his noble phantasm.

Emiya followed up with his own noble phantasm just in time.
 [ Unlimited Blade Works ]
 Blades of light surrounded him, filling the air with a deafening hum.
He pointed his hand at his chest, his eyes closed yet still facing towards the fallen yakuza.
"I am the bone of my sword"
he said, his voice echoing across the battlefield.
 "Steel is my body
 and fire is my blood
 I have created over a thousand blades
Unknown to Death
Nor known to Life
 Have withstood pain to create many weapons
Yet those hands will never hold anything

So as I pray
Unlimited Blade Works" 

As suddenly a reality marble appeared around the 3 servants and Awano with Emiya (Archer) in full control of the blades that rained down on Awano, each strike landing with deadly accuracy impaling into him leaving him wounded gravely.

Hans Christian unleashed his noble phantasm, [ Märchen Meines Lebens ] The magical energy surrounding him surged, forming a massive flashbang around Awano and the group healing and buffing the allies whilst blinding the opponents with a dazzling light from the buffs. The yakuza struggled to see, his strength no match for the power of 3 servant's noble phantasm.

 "Your shitty power is nothing compared to the power of imagination!" Hans Christian shouted with excitement over the yakuza who could barely stand.

In the end, Awano was defeated, his body lying motionless on the ground ached by the two battle front servants noble phantasm with his energy channelized by the grail returning back into Kuze. The three servants stood victorious, with Emiya's reality marble dissipating, they had won and regrouped with the main group a long with group 3.

( Wordcount 1607 )

The next chapter, "chapter 11: Yakuza Blood Oath broken"
Find out how our protagonist deal with Kuze as he fully absorbs the holy grail's power into his body empowering him greatly to the point of matching some of the strongest servants as a mere human!

Status: Unconscious 
Keiji Shibusawa 
Source of Power: Holy Grail
Strength: B+
Agility: B+ (^)
Endurance: B+
Luck: C
Mana: F----
NP: F----

Hiroki Awano
Source of power: Holy Grail and boosted more due to Shibusawa's defeat till his defeat
Strength: A+ (^)
Agility: B+ (^)
Endurance: A++ (^)
Luck: D
Mana: F-------
NP: F------

Daisaku Kuze
Source of power: Holy Grail wielder and absorbed Holy grail giving him Mana.
Strength: EX (+)
Agility: B+ (+)
Endurance: EX(+)
Luck: D
Mana: F-
NP: ?

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