The Introduction

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A/N: so this is an edit and sorry this story is like short with only 7 chapters but I just honestly lost motivation and to be honest I might just give up on this story because I'm to lazy, it's cringe, it don't make sense, idk how to add up this story, and other things besides nobody is really reading these stories so I might as well give up, I'll probably work on the Ethan x Y/N story instead... but yea anyway bye!! ❤️

Year: 1800

Day: January 1st

Main character: Nora Rose

Nora was a 16 year old girl living in a village with her father and mother, she believed dragons were real and not just a random myth, she hoped one day she will actually be able to see one with her own eyes, but there is people called the Hunters they hunt the dragons and make sure to kill off any dragon they see, but there is one dragon in particular that the hunters can't seem to kill, and they call it The Midnight Dragon because it only ever comes out at night and always seems to disappear before the hunters even get to it, there is a Queen and King and they are the ones that give the order to kill every dragon because they believe they are dangerous creatures, but they are... they burned down most of the home's in the village, and had killed the Queens sister causing her to grieve and be filled with anger and rage, she made a new rule to kill any dragon no matter the size or strength it has, she wanted them Dead everyone had agreed with her because they had lost their family members and they wanted revenge on those dragons, Nora was the only one that believed that they could be good and not just a dangerous creature every says they are... Nora's mother and father are tired of her always talking about dragons and wanting to meet one, to the point they were just tired of it and every time Nora even said the word dragon she will be punished, locked in the cellar of her home without food or water, Nora would stay in there for 3 days until she finally got taught a lesson and learned that she will never be able to see a dragon... Her parents started to become more strict and not allowing Nora to do anything, not even leave the house, Nora sneaks out from her window at midnight trying to see the dragon, she would bring her favorite book called "A Spell Too Far" and go into the forest sitting against on a big oak tree reading and taking a few glances into the midnight sky with beautiful stars trying to spot the midnight dragon, but... she never seen it... until one day she saw...

The Midnight Dragon...

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