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You walked on the transparent clouds, solid ground beneath your feet that looked like soft cotton. You weren't sure where you were. The horizon stretched far away and no end was in sight. The sky, or maybe it was the roof, you weren't sure, was almost like a mirror. It had all the exact details as the ground beneath you, yet the only thing missing was your reflection.

Your surroundings were white, except the horizon, it was a soft blue and looked almost like a clear sky on a nice summer day. It was tranquil and peaceful, no matter how long you kept walking you didn't feel any fatigue. Was it a blessing or a curse? You weren't sure since it felt scary how much you kept walking. If something didn't force you to stop, you would probably keep walking. At least you thought so.

Finally, you came to a halt, you noticed someone in the distance. With their dark colors, it was hard to not stand out in this light space. It was a small figure, you supposed it was natural since you weren't close to it. You could tell their hair was either blue or purple, but again, due to distance, you weren't sure. Your eyesight wasn't the best in the world either.

You decided to walk closer, see who they are and maybe find out what is this place and why you are here. The last thing you remember is going up to your room, and a while later you found yourself laying in a white fluffy bed with a wooden frame in this realm of nothingness.

The closer you were to the figure, the blurrier it became. Were you hallucinating or were they slowly disappearing? Maybe this endless white and blue made you lose your sanity? They put psychopaths and other kinds of people in white rooms for a reason. But what crime have you committed to be psychologically tortured? You would have really thought you are in one such room if the blue tones didn't give off a vibe of the sky.

When you reached the place where the figure previously stood, there was no trace of anyone ever being there. You looked around, hoping you find something else. And you did, another one such figure appeared before your eyes. This time it was closer but also different from the previous one. It was dressed in some white robes with purple strings and a veil.

Once again, you decided to slowly approach it, and just like last time, it disappeared. What was going on? You mentally questioned yourself. First this weird, endless space, and now random figures appearing and disappearing before your eyes. Maybe you were going mad? No that's not it, this place is messing with you - you were sure of that.

You spotted another figure, it was a hat with a veil, you could swear you could hear bells jingling. It was once again dressed in purple-like clothes and this time you could make out that the figure was a male. Who was this person? You didn't know and didn't have much of a guess either. In any case, this time you decided to run up to it. Maybe the key was approaching fast not slow.

However your thoughts were proven wrong once again, the figure disappeared yet again. You sighed in disappointment and thought that pursuing these anomalies might not be the best course of action. At that moment, one more man appeared. A couple of steps in front of you. The sudden appearance made you jump back.

Unlike the other figures, it had more blue if anything. It still had a hat, just blue and without a veil. It had an open-chested kimono but there was some sort of black turtle neck beneath it. What piqued your interest was the interesting accessory he had on his chest. Some sort of ring was attached to his clothes in which this shiny thing was in. To the bottom of the ring was attached a golden feather.

You decided to not approach the figure but speak instead. Just as you were about to say anything, the still figure moved and made a more human-like stance. It's eyes fixed on you and you heard a voice ringing in your head.

W ae p

You couldn't understand what it was saying, but it was familiar. As if you hear it countless times before. All this commotion caused you to consider whether you were actually sane. Memories of events in no particular order came rushing in and you could feel a headache developing.

The strange voice spoke again and you dropped to your knees, covering your ears, hoping it will all stop. You were sure you fell rather abruptly and heavily. The ground was solid and hard, just like before, but why didn't you feel anything? Were you unable to feel pain? What was going on?

Wake up

The message finally became clear, it was someone telling you to wake up. But why? You were sure you were awake and not in a dream. You looked up and saw the figure cracked down right before you. "Wake up y/n." It spoke in an indifferent voice.

And then it finally hit you - you were in a dream. Right as you realized it, you woke up panting and gasping for air. Was all that really a dream? Who were those mysterious figures and how did they all seem connected to one another?

Unfortunately, you didn't have the time to ponder over these questions as your alarm was screaming it's time to get up.


So uhm, I know I haven't given an atts chapter last week and you shouldn't expect one this week either. In short, I am taking a roughly two-week break with it being the end of the school year and all. I quickly wrote this piece to attach this note to something so yeah. Good luck with your finals or something.

Oh yeah right, this isn't connected to the main storyline whatsoever and is a random stand-off in the middle of the story.

Anyways I need to go to sleep, so much to do tomorrow. 

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