• Perfect Storm • | 41 |

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I throw on the clothes that James went out and got for me and throw the hood over my head.

James opens the door and looks at me warily. "You ready, little bro?" I grab the rest of my things and shove them into the pockets of my hoodie.

I nod my head before walking out with James.

I come face-to-face with everyone as they lean on the wall. "Alright, we don't have time to sit here and go over a hundred plans so Marshall," I point a finger at him, and his attention shifts solely on me. "I'm trusting you." he nods his head stiffly. I do a head count before pointing my finger to the stairs with a sign that says exit.

"Let's roll out." I speed walk to the staircase and everyone else follows. If we take the elevator there might be someone inside and we can't afford to get caught right now.

I'm hoping and praying that Marshall's plan' is at least somewhat helpful. We can't afford any fuck ups, it's one chance and we won't get a do-over.

I slow my pace and lower my head when a few nurses with lunch pales appear in front of us. "That's what I said. She has to be sleeping her way to the top, I mean she started last week." the tallest one says and smiles at me as they walk past us.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Either that or she's using Daddy's money to buy her title." their voices fade as they reach the top of the stairs.

I look back at my friends and see the girls laughing. "Gossip girls." Quinn sings and Nyla almost doubles over from laughter. I smile at the view but id prefer if Nyla was replaced with Astoria. I can tell how close they are, how much Quinn loves her. When I first saw them together at the bar I could tell that they were close.

Astoria may not have shown it much but I knew she loved her just as much.

I shake out of my thoughts and continue down the stairs before we reach a door with the same red and white sign that says exit in bold letters and I push it open.

I look back at J with a cocky smirk on my lips. "See? Easy peasy." he chuckles and rolls his eyes.

And he thought the hardest part would be getting me out of that god-awful hospital.

I nod at Chris and he strolls in front of the group, now leading us to his car.

A few minutes later, all 6 of us pile into the car. Chris sits in the driver's seat, I make my spot in the passenger side, and Quinn, Nyla, Marhsall, and James squeeze into the back seats.

"Alright, where to?" Chris starts his car and backs out of the car park. "Queensland Dr," Quinn answers and he types the directions into his GPS. The ride is quiet aside from the sound of air hitting the closed windows.

"We're coming, amore mio," I whisper to myself as I look out of the window and watch as the tall buildings eventually turn to trees.

I feel my eyes threaten to leak tears but I push the feeling deep down. Pictures of Astoria corrupt my mind. The only thing I see, the only thing I hear, the only thing I feel is her. But then dark images take over.

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