• Perfect Storm • | 35 |

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I shake my head in denial. "I don't have weeks. Has anyone ever accomplished this quicker than that?" in those weeks Astoria could be found dead somewhere in a forest. I can't let that happen.

"Well Mr. Montgomery as I said before, every patient is different so I couldn't say-"

"Is there any way I could walk within the next few days?" I cut her off.

She looks confused. "Well, no one has b-" Again, I cut her off. "I will give 1 million dollars to anyone who could get me up and walking by Monday." her eyes widen and her mouth falls open.

"S-Sir that's only 4 days away." I take a breath to keep myself from raising my voice. I take a second to calm myself down before returning to the conversation. "Just. Do. It." is all I could say without losing my shit.

She leaves the room in a hurry and I sigh, rubbing my forehead in frustration.

I can't explain to these people why I need to be out of here so soon but that doesn't mean I'm not doing everything I can to get out of this place to get back what's mine.

I few minutes pass by before the door opens again. I look up to see who it is and come face-to-face with the man I never thought I'd be so happy to see.


"Oh my goodness." he puts his hand over his mouth and walks closer to my bed. "I'm so sorry Mr. Mont...Lewis." I shake my head and laugh.

"It is what it is." I shrug as if I wasn't just holding myself back from cursing out my nurse. Seconds later Nyla and James walk in. "I see you haven't burned the hospital to the ground yet." J jokes because he knows how much I hate hospitals. They do the bare minimum and most of the time, it's not enough to save someone's life.

It's because of my name and title that I'm alive right now.

"And I see your back to be a sarcastic asswipe." he laughs and plops into the light brown leather chair in the corner. I hear papers shuffle next to me and my attention is transferred to Marshall.

"James contacted me a few days back and told me to find Keith's whereabouts. It just so happens that he's not even trying to hide anymore. I think he wants you to find him since it was overly easy to get his location."

"Of course he does, he's using Astoria as bait. He wants us to find him because he's pissed I killed his new wifey." James looks at me with an illogical look. His eyebrows scrunched tightly, the same look I had the night I found out. Except mine had more anger.

"Oh, didn't you know? He remarried. She looked way younger than me." I scoff. He's such a tool and there are way more words to describe him.

"He's fucking sick. So much for Mom is the 'Love of his life'." I look over to Marshall and wait for him to continue.

"Oh, so he's at a warehouse in the Portman Rainforest. I'm not sure if he's planning to leave but he's been there for a few days now." Portman? That's like an hour away from Norchester. If he wants to be found why the hell would he go that far?

"Is he alone?" Nyla asks, she leans back on the door with her arms crossed over her chest. I'm pretty sure J filled her In on the whole situation.

Marshall shrugs his shoulders. "I'm not sure but I wouldn't put it past him. If he's expecting you then he must have backup."

I shake my head. "No, he wants me and James' heads on a platter. He'd enjoy killing us on his own. I don't he has people with him." I could be wrong but I genuinely don't think he does.

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