Another Day at Work

Start from the beginning

'I just called because Mr. Steele said he wanted to talk to me. I'm on my way back, I'll explain when I get there.'

I put my phone down just before I heard the clicks of the high heels tapping the marble floor.

'Andrea!' I hear Felicity called. I turn around to see her running slightly towards me. 'Okay, something is really weird between the Queen family. First Oliver asks you to find out what is on that laptop and now Mr. Steele is asking me to find out information on a transaction that Ms Queen made 3 years ago, who spent 6 million on a failed investment. Is it me or is this complete weird.'

'Okay, I agree, this is weird. Why would he want to look into that? And is this going to be regular thing?' I asked.

'I have no idea but something is definitely up.' Felicity replied taking a seat in her chair and started typing frantically on her keyboard. I moved my wheeled chair over her desk, looking at her screen while eating my food.

'How are you going to find this information then?' I asked, covering my mouth with the back of my hand.

'Erm,' Felicity said, dragging the word out, 'I have no idea, look at any investments she made 3 years ago?'

I nod, 'Yeah, start with that and the 6 million dollars would have had to be spent through this company?.' I asked, not being sure.

After a minute of Felicity typing, she finally let out a 'Ah ha!'

'What, you found something?' Asked moving slightly closer to the screen.

'Yeah, but there is no company, she invested in something that doesn't even exist.' Felicity stated.

'Wait what?'

'There was no investment. But it was used to set up an offshore LLC called Tempest.'

'I've heard that name before, but Queen Consolidated has nothing to do with tempest.' I say, looking at the information on the screen. 'It's not even registered with the Secretary of State, no federal tax records, no patent applications filed.'

'But in 2009, Tempest purchased a warehouse in Starling City.'


'At least 5 federal, state, and local agencies are seeking millions of dollars in fines and environmental cleanup costs from Brodeur Chemical, new facts have come to light that Brodeur Chemical employee Camille Declan had discovered Brodeur was illegally disposing waste and had collected a file of evidence against her employer before her murder in 2007.

'Peter Declan, who was convicted of killing his wife, has been released, and the case has been reopened.'


'How did they even find enough evidence in that one hour?' Felicity asked as we both watched the screen which was on the news.

'I know right. He must've had some really good lawyer.' I said, nodding. 'Must've been stressful. Don't know how they do it, but at least they got the right one. Poor guy must've have gone through hell when no one was listening to him.'

Felicity nodded along before tearing her gaze away from the screen.

'And now work is over,' she stated looking at her watch.

'Hallelujah!' I shouted slightly, throwing my arms into the air. 'I can finally go home and binge on Netflix! Today was such a boring day.' I said grabbing my bag and coat waiting for Felicity to grab her stuff as well before walking towards the lift to get out of this building.



It was so hard to write this, writers block is such a bitch and this is such a bad chapter, omg I'm sorry!

I don't know when I will update again, but it will not be as long as a year (sorry about that again).
Schools slightly busy and I just sometimes don't have any motivation to write, so I might try to update every week or every two weeks, but I can't promise anything...

Again, really sorry with this bad chapter, I had no idea what to write .

Hopefully it will slowly start to get better


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