8.The End

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"jungkook go start the car it's past your bed time'' he laughed and jungkook rolled his eyes found smile on his face how can he have so much patient with seokjin? At the end of the day I think jungkook is more mature than all of us

"don't let him slide out of your hands" I heard him say in taehyung ear

"I would say the same to you" he nodded toward jungkook who was emptying the car from empty bottles I think he got traumtized from earlier

"me and jungkook? Nahh we're never a thing" taehyung looked at him done

"he's a child"

"he's twenty five"

"he's childish"

"jin no offense but he's literally more mature than all of us" I said looking at his eyes and I saw hesitation in his eyes for the first time

"trust your heart seokjin you don't have to deal with anyone anymore you don't have to make excuses anymore and you don't have to run away from anything anymore cause you are not facing them alone you have a big strong man beside you" I looked at him and he thought about it for a second

"I'm too drunk to understand, see you next year taetae and you too kitty cat" he waved smiling and went into the car I sigh, I heard taehyung shift and he's laying on his back now on top of the car

"that was really nice of you" I looked at him and I lay beside him

"what? The way I gave you permission to use me to make your parents mad?" he chuckled

"yeah that and what you said to seokjin" I looked at the sky laying beside him

"when youre born in a burning house, you think the whole world is on fire"

"I love that quote" I lit a cigarette and I offered him one but he took the one in my mouth I guess we're sharing

"me too"

"seokjin is running away from something that isn't there anymore it's just the shadow and he is ignoring jungkook's light cause he's scared he'll get burned in a different type of fire" I guess that's how trauma work it'll leaves You with its shadow forever I looked at the sky it was a warm summer night nobody is cold

"I am not okay too you know" he said suddenly I looked at him his eyes never leaving the sky and I laughed loudly and he laughed louder

"I think it just kicked in" I said giggling

"why did it took so long" I shook my shoulders

"he probably mixed some medicine with it"

"fucking seokjin" he said laughing loudly he's angry but too high to act like it

"the satrs look pretty tonight" I said

"they're pretty every night you only took time to see them tonight"

"I'm a mess too you know I'm thirty living with my sister I've never had a proper job and will never I never even dated you know that I still didn't get my first kiss" I entered jail when I was twenty I spent there eight years I had a reputation they called me red chopsticks boy so nobody really dated me and before that I was so busy raising money for yoonji college

"I can fix that"

"what you gonna give me money?"

"well no but yes I will give you what we agreed on, I can find you a job too what about the offer that jungkook said"

"really you will do that for me?"

"of curse today was so much fun a d I won the ten dollars because of you" he smiled

"oh something else please don't tell my sister you knew just pretend you never noticed that she was gone"

"why? I won't get her fired"

"please don't she's crazy she'll kill me if she knew you knew oh by the way how did you know it was the ankle tattoo was it?"

"No actually I noticed the first day you smiled less than her and had this cold aura you also walked weirdly but I didn't say anything I thought she had a bad day or something but then I walked by your office and saw ice coffee on it"

"ice coffee?"

"yes yoonji never drink her coffee cold she hates it and the cup was empty when I saw it and had a yoongi written all over it"

"oh so I fucked up in the first hour"

"yeah pretty much" he chuckled

"do you have a crush on my sister" just to make sure he clocked on his spit

"what no"

"yeah well if you do she's gay"

"I know"

"how" I gasped she's totally straight passing

"I saw her kiss girls many times also she has this cute pen that has the lesbian flag in it"

"you observe the little things a lot that's why you caught me"

"yeah true"

"how about my tattoo what you thought about I saw you panicking buy you didn't day anything

"I found it sexy as hell" it was my time to chock on my spit

"I knew you weren't yoonji so I let myself have a crush on you" oh so I was the one who he has a crush on and not yoonji

"would you like to have ice coffee with me?" is he asking me on a date

"is it a date?"

"yes" he chuckled and I did too we're so high

"than yes I would love to have some ice coffee with you"


𝐈𝐜𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐞//𝑘𝑡ℎ.𝑚𝑦𝑔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant