Nothing will go wrong, right?

As I sat beside Mi Ho, we both watched Secretary Kang snoring away. Mi Ho playfully placed her finger on his chin and gently closed his mouth as he woke up, trembling and scared. We couldn't help but laugh at his reaction.
"Why, was I snoring?" he asked, still feeling embarrassed.

"Just go back to sleep," I reassured him. Mi Ho chimed in,
"Go to sleep, don't worry about it." "

You scared me," he said to Mi Ho, still feeling a little shaken. But with our soothing words, he eventually drifted back to sleep.

As we arrived at the airport, Miho's companion seemed frustrated with the amount of luggage we were carrying.

"You are not moving. Why are you having this much luggage?" he asked me, his tone revealing his annoyance.

Miho explained to him that it was for both of us and that it had a dome of y/n's books.

"Now hurry up and let's go," she urged him.

Suddenly, a group of reporters came out of nowhere and began attacking us with their cameras. As they closed in on us, Miho's companion yelled
"Wait! Don't come near! Stop taking photos!" He bravely stood in front of me and y/n, shielding us from the media frenzy.

" Please wait !" He kept yelling at the reporters as he says
" You two, hurry and go on first "

As we rushed out of the airport, I couldn't help but notice that the sun had already set. Miho pointed it out to me and I took a deep breath, feeling the difference of being away from the city.

"How are your studies going?" She asked and I assured her that
" They are going well" and that this trip was a much-needed break.

Miho mentioned that we would be staying in a beautiful house up on a hill, but I couldn't help but laugh at the idea of

As we walk towards the parking lot, Miho greets Secretary Kang and asks him if he managed to escape yet. I look around for our car, wondering where it's parked. Miho remarks that we've reached parking lot D and continues to chat with Secretary Kang.

Suddenly, I hear the familiar beep of our car's alarm as I press the key fob. "Found it," I exclaim with a grin. We make our way over to the car when Miho hangs up on Secretary.

Suddenly, a sound catches our attention. Miho and I turn towards the direction of the noise and see a lady in a wedding dress, bent towards the ground. I notice horns protruding from her shoulders as we hear the sound of her biting into something. Miho takes a step forward to approach the lady, but I halt her with my hand and move forward myself. "Are you okay? "I ask but as she turns her head towards us, we are both shocked we see her face there was blood coming out from her mouth and there was blood everywhere and the same horns were going out of her face

" So it's you," she said looking at Miho

As Miho and I run through the parking lot, we come across the dead body of a man with his heart in the lady's hand. Miho tries to run with me, but I push her forward to safety before getting up to face the danger. The lady starts running towards Miho, and I kick her in the stomach to stop her from pursuing us.

I tell Miho to hide behind a car while I keep an eye on the lady.

I witnessed the frightening scene where she fell to the ground and struggled to stand up. My heart raced as I saw Miho ahead of me, realizing that she was the one being targeted. I knew I had to act fast and started sprinting towards Miho. Looking back, I saw the assailant trailing closely behind us, fixated on her prey.

As we reached the car, Miho quickly hid behind it, and I followed suit. I positioned myself behind the tires so that she couldn't see me.

I took a quick peek and saw the woman walking towards the front of the car. I knew we had to act fast, so I gestured to Miho to start the car. Just as I was about to step out, I saw the woman turn towards us. I quickly ducked back down to avoid being seen. Miho understood what I was trying to convey and I beeped the car keys again. The woman heard the sound and started running towards it, growling in frustration. We took off but she heard us and she started to run towards us again I stopped suddenly an idea pooped into my mind and as I run in the direction of the cars and as expected she ran after Miho I quickly ran towards our car and started it.

So here's the plan I start the car drive it towards wherever the hell Miho is and hit the crazy devil-faced lady great plan right?

I drove through the parking lot where I last saw the lady and when I reached outside I saw that the lady had put her hands and face inside the truck I was shocked how could she be so powerful?

My heartbeat was getting faster and faster as I drove towards the lady to hit her but before I could hit her something else hit the truck and my car both my car and the truck went backwards and my car hit another car and my head hit the steering wheel

'Great idea y/n' I thought before I blanked out

Please read the written note

Writes notes

Hi, the first chapter was completed how was it?
If you like it please vote and share
And I also wanna talk about the doctor thing I am going to show her studies in the way they are in my country
And nothing else

Hope you like it.

Thanks for reading

May 24, 2023

Island // Johan X ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora