Major editing!

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Hey guys! 

First off, thank you so so much for reading this book! I have had so much fun writing it, and have felt so passionate towards Amelie for some reason. I hope that anyone who reads this book has also loved Amelie like I have and that you enjoyed it. 

Second, I am going to be doing some major editing on this book. I am finally done school so I have much more time now, and after completing this book I have felt that there is so much more I can add/edit that I didn't do before. With that being said, I am going to be updating this book a lot for the time being and add a lot of plot/scenes that I feel can make this little fanfic even better. 

So, I hope that whoever has completed this book can give it a chance again once I have completed editing it. And that whoever has not read it yet before edits have been made, can enjoy it to its fullest extent! 

Thank you for reading and I hope you guys enjoy! 


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