10 | Sweet, evil boy

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AMELIE WAS NEVER one to run. Or do much physical activity that it. She played sports and did dance when she was younger which helped keep her physical but as she got older, she slowed down her engagement with sports. She figured that one day she might regret doing that, and today seemed to truly prove that point to her. If she could go back in time and tell her younger self anything, it would be to never stop any form of physical activity, hell, maybe take up track while you're at it. Because within the last year of her life, she has had to do more running than before, and she gets winded. Which explains why, currently, Amelie pants as she makes the final stretch down the street where she sees Kirby's striking blonde hair make its way to the door of the theatre.

"Kirby!" Amelie calls out as she gets closer, she spots the rest of her friends beside Kirby and lets a sigh in relief, at least they were all there and okay. "Sam!"

Kirby turns her head where she hears her name being called and spots Amelie running up to them. The girl finally reaches the group who stopped to let Amelie catch up and she hunches over, hands on her knees as she pants. "Oh, my god."

"What the hell?" Sam takes notice of the girl's arm and concern floods her eyes. Chad, from beside Sam, looks behind Amelie and notices the lack of people following her. Panic immediately enters the boy when he can't seem to spot his sister anywhere near. "Amie, where is Mindy?"

"Ghostface-he-train," Amelie pants out before taking a few deep breathes. She finally stands up straight and prepares to let the group know what happened back on the subway. "Ghostface was on the train with us-"


"-Is everyone okay?"

"-What the fuck?"

Her three friends cut her off and her eyes widen before raising her hand in the air to pause them from continuing. "They managed to cut my arm and, uh-uh, said something about how I was lucky this time, but everything went so dark and they just left me and then they found Mindy and stabbed her-"

"-And you left her?" Amelie's rant gets cut off by Chad who pushes to stand in front of the girl and grabs her shoulders. She lets out a wince when a pain shoots through her cut and he drops his hand from that arm. "What the hell? Is-is she okay?"

"Yes, yes, she is okay," Amelie nods immediately, almost afraid of Chad's urgency. She gets it, though, she is his sister and they already have been through hell together. "We got her off the subway, got help, and Ethan stayed back with her."

Chad looks at Amelie and his shoulder visibly release some tension, but the concern from his eyes lingers. He nods slowly and pulls her in for a hug, her arms wrap around his torso, and she lays her head on his chest. "I-I'm sorry for scaring you, Amie."

"She's okay, Chad. She is going to be okay," Amelie shakes her head as she speaks. She completely understands the way he acted, if it were any one of them, she would have been the same way.

The two finally separate and they all begin to head into the theatre. Kirby swipes her card to enter through the last door and opens it for all of them to begin pilling in.

"I cleared the whole place before we got here. So, this is the only way in or out," Kirby points to the door they just entered. "He steps into the first door, both doors lock automatically, trapping him inside. We turn it into a kill-box."

"Weapons?" Sam questions. Suppose those would be needed if they encounter Ghostface.

"One gun and I hold onto it," Sam looks like she is about to disagree with the Kirby and Amelie's eyebrows furrow at her answer. How will they defend themselves if the only weapon is a gun they aren't allowed to have? "I am the only one with a badge here, and that's the way it's going to be. We are safe here."

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