11 | More than you know

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THAT SMILE, THAT damned smile, was all too bright considering what he had just done. Amelie's jaw drops as her eyes demand tears to her waterline again. She felt her heart break into thousands of little pieces, and she is sure that everyone else heard it as it shattered on the ground in front of them. This feeling of betrayal was all too familiar for her, and she wants to scream, yell at Ethan, yell at the detective, yell at the last unmasked Ghostface for what they have done to her. She wants to scream until her voice is raw and gone, hoping that someone can hear her frustration from outside of the city and come save her. She wants everyone around her, especially Ethan, to feel how angry she is about this whole situation, how she feels like her body is on fire and all she can see is red.

"What the fuck?" Amelie mutters in shock but the boy can't bring his eyes to look at the expression on her face. He knows it will hurt, he knows he will falter, and he can't. Not now.

"Mindy was right," his smile doesn't fade from his face as he continues to talk, but his gaze shifts between Sam and Tara, never making it to Amelie's. His heart was beating faster than it was before; this was the moment, and he has been dreading it since the day he met Amelie. If he looked at her, he would break and he needed to do this. "It was easy to juke the roommate lottery. I mean, all I had to do to meet you was room with the conceited, condescending alpha, literally named Chad!"

Amelie was disgusted. Chad was his friend, Chad trusted him.

"Fuck, it felt good to kill him!"

He was a psychopath, no real emotion had to have ever floundered through his body. Amelie wants to sob, she wants to throw up, and she wants to punch him, hurt him like he did to her. Like he did to Chad.

"This was your grandmas, Sam; Nancy Loomis," Ethan continues as he holds up his bloody knife and points it to his Ghostface mask in his other hand. His smile falters from his face as he continues to speak. "Really runs in the fucking family, doesn't it?"

"Speaking of family..." the detective trails off, letting Ethan jump in again. The smile creeps back onto his sickening face and Ethan takes his que.

"My name's not Ethan Landry, isn't it dad?" Ethan turns to his dad, and they share a sick smile at each other. Amelie feels like her breathe got knocked from her chest again and her brain falters. Of course, his name wasn't even his fucking name. Ethan Landry was a person Amelie wanted to love so bad, wanted to kiss and be held by, but this Ethan in front of her isn't him. He is a psychopath who has been lying to her, to all of them this whole time.

"Dad?" Amelie almost shouts at him. Her jaw remains ajar and her eyes wide at the scene in front of her. She watches as the detective brushes the hair on Ethan's forehead, chuckling as he does, visibly proud of his son. Ethan finally brings his eyes to Amelie's and his smile drops from his face. He knows it was a bad idea to look at her, but he had to, he needed to see her face. The anger and betrayal on her face was almost enough to make him want to take back everything he said, and just reassure he that he still likes her so much, that he would never physically hurt her. Amelie tries to distinguish what emotions are swirling through Ethan's eyes when they finally make contact with hers, but she can't look past the pure evil that lays in them.

"I was always dreading this part, you know?" His tone could almost fool her to believe that he actually cares. "I never wanted you a part of this."

"I have always been a part of this, Ethan!" If that even was his name. She is so hurt, so angry that her stomach churns every time he even opens his mouth. His eyes soften the longer he looks at her and she genuinely thinks he is fucking crazy.

"Yeah, well, it almost screwed us over," Wayne jumps in, watching the longing gazes between his son and Amelie. Amelie finally looks away from Ethan when she hears another voice, confused by the detectives words. "My boy here-" patting Ethan's shoulder as he talks, "was starting to get a bit too sensitive. Trying to protect you from us..."

the endless beginning, ethan landryWhere stories live. Discover now