7 | Blood in the apartment

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SUDDENLY THE DOOR bursts down and Quinn's body falls out, landing directly on Anika causing her, Mindy, Amelie, and Sam also to tumble on the ground. Anika pushes the body off her in a hurry and lets out a scream as she soaks in what just happened. Her body falls directly beside Amelie, and she looks at her roommate, once alive and smiling, now dead. Her blood manages to get all over Anika and some of it on Amelie. Amelie looks at her hands, covered in blood once again and she pushes back on her bum to slide away. Another person's blood covers her skin for the second day in a row and she feels like it may just start to becoming her own.

"Oh fuck," Mindy, Sam, and Amelie all look up to see Ghostface standing in the doorway before he runs out and slashes at Mindy's arm.

"Mindy!" Amelie yells out with her eyes wide open. She looks back to see Sam rushing to the kitchen to look for a weapon before she gets up and stares at the masked man in shock. She panics and almost feels like a fool in that second for being so cowardly and not rushing into knowing what to do. Her trance gets snapped back into reality when she sees Ghostface rush to grab Anika's throat and chokes her as he presses her into the ground. She sees Mindy hold her arm in pain and reaches forward to push the head of the killer to distract him from Anika. On instinct, to keep from having his mask fall off his face, he takes the hand holding the knife and slashes it in Amelie's direction. The knife slices the right side of her collarbone, and she gasps before falling back onto her butt.

Mindy, from the other side of Anika, sees what happened and also lets out a gasp, "No!"

Amelie feels her chest burn where her blood seeps out. What a sharp fucking knife, she thinks as she takes her left hand to put pressure on the wound to try and keep the blood from pouring out. Her heart races as she remembers what it is like to have your skin cut open, thinking about how she prayed that she would never have to experience that pain again. She looks up to see Ghostface has lifted Anika by her throat from the floor and up against the wall.

"Anika!" Amelie cries out when she sees the knife get jammed into the small girl's stomach and twists it. Anika's screams are so loud and Amelie sobs. No, no, no, please let her live, please. Amelie kicks her foot out from on the floor, hitting Ghostface's left foot and causing them to falter. It seems like Amelie's kick could only do so much before the killer quickly recovers balance and takes the knife, dragging it up Anika's stomach, slitting her open. Blood pours out of Anika like a waterfall and Amelie makes a b-line for her when Sam rushes in and swings their knife block at Ghostface's head. While on the ground, Sam ushers the three bleeding girls into Quinn's room and locks the door. Ghostface starts banging on the door as Sam holds it shut, her face ridden with terror as the door continues to rattle. On the bed Amelie, Anika, and Mindy hold one another as different parts of their body bleed out. Anika far worse with her gut cut open and Amelie leans a hand over to her stomach to help with the blood, as if it will stop the red substance from running out. Moans and groans leave the girls lips as they sit in searing pain from their wounds.

All too eerily the room gets quite as the door stops moving and Sam looks in fear to the girls sitting on the bed. Mindy gets up to walk to the bathroom attached to the bedroom and screams when see sees the bloody body in the bathtub. "Fuck! That guy's dead."

She jumps once more when Ghostface makes his way around to the other bathroom door entrance and she screams once more while pushing the door to close. Amelie looks at Anika with fear pooling in her eyes, "I will be right back, okay? Just keep applying pressure."

Anika nods but can't make any move to speak as Amelie rushes in the bathroom to help Mindy shove the door close. Ghostface swings his knife blindly to which the girls dodge and now the two and Sam rush to the door connected to the bedroom and begin pushing that door to close. Mindy manages to lock the door as Ghostface begins to kick the door. Sam rushes to grab the dresser and push it towards the door. Amelie notices and moves over to help push the dresser in front of the door where the lock snaps open and the killer almost makes their way into the room again. Mindy and Sam push against the dresser while Amelie makes her way back to Anika and kneels in front of her to help hold her stomach. Her cut is in searing pain, and she tries her best to not have her eyes close shut from the amount of burning the slash is causing her.

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