3 | And it begins, the bodega

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BY THE TIME Amelie and Ethan made it to her apartment, Tara, Mindy, Chad, and Anika were already inside. After hearing the door open again, Tara figured it would be Amelie and decided she should probably go talk to her about the conversation they had outside the party. She enters the living room and calls out Amelie's name when she sees her take her shoes off at the front door. Amelie's head perks up when she hears Tara call her name and understands it's more than likely to talk about earlier.

The two girls make their way to the kitchen and Ethan decides to sit on the chair in front of the front door, joining Mindy and Anika.

"I am so sorry-"

"Look, I'm sorry for-"

The two girls started at the same time and begin letting out small laughs. Tara nods at Amelie to go first.

"I'm sorry for whatever I said back there, I get where you are coming from, just trying to move on and all and I'm here just teaming up with Sam which I am sure did not help whatsoever," Amelie shakes her head and speaks to Tara sincerely. She was angry, yes, but she also shouldn't have jumped the boat and get mad at Tara like she did.

"No, no, no, don't apologize, Amie, I should not have said what I did back there," Tara says and puts her hands on either side of Amelie's arms. "We all went through tough shit, but I cannot say anything about how you are feeling because what you went through was worse than what anyone of us did."

Amelie's eyebrows furrow in confusion, yeah what she experienced was bad, but Tara can't just say she had it less than what Amelie did. "No, Tara, look. We both went through awful stuff, and we shouldn't compare, really."

"You guys are my family, really. Since my, uh, my dad-" She pauses and swallows the lump in her throat before continuing. "Died. My mom just kind of wants nothing to do with me as much as she used to. Well, she didn't much anyway which is why I was living with my dad but, you know."

"Yeah, I know," Tara replies nodding her head. "I'm just sorry- still. You are my family, too and I love you and I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I forgive you," Amelie chuckles. "I love you, too."

The two girls hug for a minute before releasing. Tara's hands remain on Amelie's arms as she lowers her voice. "Chad and I had a moment before you came here."

"I knew it!" Amelie's eyes widen as a smile creep up onto her face. "I figured there was something going on between you two."

Tara shushes her but can't contain the grin on her face as she smiles back at the brunette in front of her. Tara's eyes look out the kitchen to peer into the living room where Ethan is sitting and looks back at Amelie with her eyebrows raised. Amelie can tell what Tara was wanting to say, but instead brought up Dean. "So, that guy you had a steamy makeout with?"

Amelie blushed at the mention of being caught making out with the guy, about to fill her in about Dean before they got interrupted by Chad who told them to come into the living room. Tara looks at Amelie again, "we will continue this later."

Amelie nods and smiles before heading to the chair Ethan was sitting on and places herself on the arm of the single chair. The left side of her body touching Ethan at every move she makes.

Sam walks in shortly after with their neighbour from across the hall, recognizing him from whenever she would catch Sam looking at him shirtless through the window.

"Cute boy, nice," Quinn comments with a smile when she sees the boy behind Sam.

Suddenly everyone in the room quiets down as they invest to the news that is on the TV. A reporter looks to be at a crime scene where he talks about two bodies, by the names of Jason and Greg, that were found dead in their apartment. Amelie stiffens as the reporter continues. This felt familiar, all too familiar for her and she hated it.

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