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Entry 007: and they say green is a lucky colour.

Entry 007: and they say green is a lucky colour

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Before the speech ended in a conclusion, OJ brought in a couple more words to make a statement about.

OJ: "However, whoever is a team captain could still let Test Tube join to play in their team, if they would like."

The minute after the speech ended, I swear I felt a pulse of shock hitting inside of me, it felt tightening; the type that would feel close to a heart attack but less painful. It strikes through my mind or heart. Perhaps my whole body.

The whole crowd look and gazed upon my green body as if they were looking upon a dead stale body. Hearing their whispers and they know I could listen to them. I couldn't move, I felt paralyzed and discomfort grazing inside of me.

Wanna know what they were all whispering? Well, stuff such as "She's an assistant, could she be on our team?" or "She might either help us or make us lose". People were questioning themselves rapidly left and right; without any stop.

As I felt like a black sheep or a square that didn't fit in the triangle hole, nor did the paintbrush was feeling well; their face was diminishing pure face of disapproval as they were questioning themselves; narrow face, frowning their eyebrow while slightly open mouth of thought.

Never did I ever enjoy this sense of being a misfit. The crowd started to muffle around me, putting my attention to a lightbulb walking towards me; her bright yellow reflecting off the sun, their bright blue eyes like the Atlantic Ocean that shone lightly while her soft friendly smile slightly came across their delicate hazel freckles.
LIGHTBULB: "Hey there pal, I heard that you're now Mephones assistant!"

TEST TUBE: "Yeah I heard."

LIGHTBULB: "But, it is sad that whoever is a team captain and what if they don't choose you and then you can't play."

TEST TUBE: "It will be okay, long as you're happy"
Immediately I spoke that, I gazed upon her sudden look of calmness; Lightbulb blue eyes soften down as her freckles gleamed off the sun and vivid peach blush appeared underneath.

Seeing my friends smile meant everything to me, it gave me hope that I am a good person and peace within myself that everything is going to be just fine; that everything else doesn't matter.

Only about a couple of minutes passed by, when the paintbrush and fan walked by and greeted me. They were all amazed that I was an assistant for mephone. science rules after all haha!

The time ticked by and witnessing each person coming into the hotel furthermore. Salt and pepper were greeting each other, and knife and pickle were playing video games again, while paper was cheering them on!

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