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entry 002: isn't this a brunch? Time to crunch.


The hasty sunlight reached through the white curtains, dirty crumpled paper on the dusty floor; sluggish to make an effort to tidy up. who needs to tidy anyway. it's not that necessary. Right?

I stare up at the dark purple ceiling, feeling the ends of my charger that charged me up fully. This aching sensation crawled on my back pulling me backwards on the mattress. I swear this is laziness getting the best of me.

Getting my arms to pull myself up; laying my left arm straight on the surface of the mattress, and using my elbow to push myself toward the ends of the bed. Seizing a profound breath of what sensed like an average morning

Quietly thinking to myself, that I need to fetch myself a jar of chocolate chip cookies to crunch on!

*knock knock knock*

A jolt of shock came upon my shoulders the second I heard that door knock. It's been quite a long time since the last person knocked on my door. However, I'm not quite in the mood right now for quests to bother me.

I began to walk in the direction of the door. The awkward silence I sensed around the room as I got closer; made me start to narrow my eyes to whoever is behind the door, I felt myself tighten up the muscles around my arms causing me go uneasy slightly with my temper.


The ends of the black door knob felt cold as snow on my frigid steamed hands, turning it quickly. Clutching the doorknob open, snarling my teeth with my angering eyes building up prepared to shout at whoever is behind. Taking an immediate breath in.


oh fuck out all the people who I yell at is the damn owner of the hotel! Oh shit-!

( I    AM    FUCKED)

I let out thousands of sweat as if I ran a fucking marathon or some shit, my thoughts are racing through me

I tap the floor with my foot hoping the conversation to continue but all I feel is awkward silence from OJ like he has seen a ghost.

I awkwardly walked back inside my room without even knowing that now that the doors were wide open, OJ can now see the damn hole in the wall right beside my bed


I have no idea what to feel or think right now because I'm sincerely confused about what happened.

Hmm maybe after this I'll go hang out with Paper during breakfast haha! Wait.

I see something strange in his room is that what I think it is or do I need glasses?




1450$ from you today mister! My hotel, my rules! So you BETTER pay up for your damage deposit, please!

This man, I swear! He knows better than to not keep doing that! I'm not too sure why he's punching holes through MY hotel, he better pay though or I find the toilet wherever he is and make HIM his roommate!

OJ: "Well, never mind that so how about you come down to breakfast with me? Huh" I let out a soft smile of friendship he better accept since I'm still angry with him for the walls

ME PHONE: "Oh uh, sure! I don't see why not!"



Sitting down on these wooden oak chairs hurts my square ass, oh well it's better than nothing they always say, after this meal then I shall go visit Test Tube Ay?

OJ, Paper and Me are sitting down with each other, I'm hearing OJ chatting about how he should make his hotel better and all.

While I gobble down some of my hash browns and bacon, hmm my headaches have not been going down this past couple of weeks fuck it hurts!

When did these headaches start and why?

Especially my nightmares of stupid STUPID cobs? Why him? And why now?

Why can't I make everything go away?

Why can't I make myself go away?


OJ: "Mephone? MEPHONE!"

MEPHONE: "AUHH-! I'm sorry I was just lost in thought haha silly me"

OJ's head turns in confusion as well for paper.

I felt like I shitted my pants even though I don't wear any pants-! Ahhh...

OJ: "Hopefully you've been sleeping well, pal!"

Paper: "Y-yeah you have been right?"

MEPHONE: "Yes, of course, I think I just need coffee, I will get some at Test Tubes Room! I'm just gonna go visit her"

Paper and OJ: "Oh okay say hi to test tube for us okay :D"

MEPHONE: "Sure will do haha!"

I head out toward the elevator door, opening up for me and I wave goodbye to OJ plus Paper seconds before the elevator door closes shut

My plan is working.


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