Chapter 2

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It was noon when they finished class, Yi Shang and his roommates went to the canteen together. Unexpectedly, they bumped into Lin Xia and a chubby boy in the second canteen.

This was the first time he bumped into Lin Xia.

Why did he never notice that Lin Xia came to eat at this canteen before?

Just as his thoughts flew, Yi Shang met Lin Xia in the eyes. He nodded at Lin Xia out of politeness as a greeting. On the other hand, Lin Xia seemed like he was frightened once again. He quickly looked away and even exchanged seats with his friend, to stay even further away from Yi Shang.

Yi Shang was somewhat speechless. Is he the god of the plague? Why is Lin Xia hiding from him like this?

After he was done eating with his roommates and returned to the dorm, Yi Shang collapsed on his chair. He looked up at the ceiling, closed his eyes, and relaxed his whole body. His roommate Xiao Zhang asked, "Yi Shang, we saw your xuejie1 from the photography club in the canteen just now, why didn't you greet her?"

"What?" Yi Shang turned to look at Xiao Zhang. When he was in the canteen, all he remembered was seeing Lin Xia. " didn't see her."

"Oh you." Xiao Zhang was exasperated. "Talking about her, she has been so proactively before, why aren't you going out with her?"

"I don't like her."

"How can you know whether you like her or not without trying it out? It's not like you're losing out on anything, xuejie's so pretty!" Xiao Zhang almost suspected that Yi Shang had some sort of problem.

"Being in a relationship is too troublesome. Being single feels the best, I can do whatever I want. I don't have to bother to remember all kinds of anniversaries, choose gifts, and coax the other. If I was in a relationship, I'd have to spend my time going out, and have to place her first for everything. It's already tiring just thinking about it." The thought of dating is so troublesome, Yi Shang felt that being by himself was the best.

"What a pity, she's Lao Wang's ideal type." Xiao Zhang felt a little regretful.

"The hell? Why bring me into this?" Lao Wang, who was originally sitting on the chair, got up and threw out an arm choke around Xiao Zhang to make him beg for mercy.

At this moment, Yi Shang's phone rang. For some reason, Yi Shang had a premonition that it was probably Lin Xia's message.

When he opened it, as expected, it was Lin Xia: You finally saw me in the canteen today, and even nodded at me, so happy^_^

This time, Yi Shang replied quickly, thinking that it would be impossible for Lin Xia to block him so quickly: Then why did you block me before?

The result was still a red exclamation mark. Yi Shang almost broke down, he threw his phone on the table, "What the heck?!"

The roommates who were fighting each other heard Yi Shang's anger. Xiao Zhang teased,
"Oh my, so the reason why you rejected xuejie was here, who made our God Yi lament like

Hearing Xiao Zhang's banter, Yi Shang didn't banter back like usual. He raised his head and looked at Xiao Zhang, then said, "Say, if someone sent you a message, but when you replied without a second's delay, you were blocked. What does this mean?"

"Maybe it was done accidentally?" Lao Wang said.

"There are several steps to blocking someone right? Can you really accidentally do this?" Yi Shang was truly confused. "This is already the third time."

"I know!" Xiao Tang, the roommate who was eating snacks after a meal suddenly spoke.

"What?" Three pairs of eyes turned to look at Xiao Tang, their curiosity was obvious

"It must be because they didn't know that after they sent a message after blocking someone on WeChat, the other party would still receive it."

Xiao Tang pushed up his glasses with his middle finger, looking unfathomable. "That must be why this happened."

"What?!!" Lao Wang suddenly shouted, holding his head with both his hands, very dramatically,

"I only knew this now!"

"So what if you just knew this now, why are you so agitated?" Xiao Zhang rubbed his ear.

"Even Yi Shang's not as agitated as you."

"I blocked someone before and still went crazy in the messages afterward. Don't mention it, I just want to die right now." Lao Wang wept with a broken heart, "Only Xiao Tang's chocolate can  comfort my injured heart now."

"If you want to eat, just say it. Stop disgusting me. Xiao Tang picked up the chocolate and then teased Lao Wang. "If you call me dad, I'll give it to you."

Yi Shang didn't care about his roommates messing around. He was thinking about whether Lin Xia's case was really what his roommate said, that he didn't know he would still receive the message after being blocked?

If his roommate is right, then doesn't that mean that every message Lin Xia sent to him is what Lin Xia really thinks? So he's not trolling him.
Yi Shang opened his phone and looked at the three messages Lin Xia sent:

" I liked you for a long time."

"Today is your third time talking to me, so happy^_^"

"You finally saw me in the canteen today, and even nodded at me, so happy^_^"

Originally, Yi Shang couldn't understand the situation. Now, he's even more confused.

Could it be? Lin Xia actually likes him?

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