FRED HAD ASKED EBONY TO DO SOMETHING FOR HIM. She was hesitant at first but decided to just do it because she really has nothing to lose. Which is why the two of them are currently standing in the abandoned storage room of the Black's house.

"Are you sure this is how you made it?" Fred asks, looking down into the cauldron.

"Very sure, I was following the recipe for Amortentia, remember?" Ebony replies, stewing the potion carefully. "Hand me some Maracuja seeds and we'll be fine." 

"Here." Fred hands her a small bottle filled with the seeds which she pours in the cauldron. They watch as it starts to boil pretty hard. The green colour turns orange, a sign that the potion works. "Maybe we can improve it, so you won't turn into a horny rabbit again-- AW!" Fred shrieks after she hit his arm.

"Mind you not, you were the one who put the Maracuja seeds into the cauldron the first time which messed up the recipe. That was entirely your fault."

"If you want me to apologize, I won't do it. I remember that day as one of the best." Ebony rolls her eyes and turns off the fire. They look at the substance inside the cauldron. "I'll try it."

"I have a better idea." 

Both Fred and Ebony make sure to spill some drops of their new potion inside Ron's cup at the dinner table. They sit down and when everyone has arrived, dinner begins. 

"We should invent a name for it." Fred whispers, leaning close to his girlfriend so only they can hear. 

They watch as Ron takes a sip from his drink and continues to eat. Nothing seems to happen, almost as if the potion they gave him doesn't affect him at all but after ten minutes, they notice the obvious signs. 

His face turns a bit red, he looks around to see if anyone notices. Ron's leg begins to nervously move up and down as he tries to control his sudden horniness. He manages to continue eating, nobody else seems to notice this weird behaviour.

"Is it me or does he seem less affected than you had back then?" Fred whispers, softly. 

"No, he does." Ebony agrees. 

After dinner, they gather back inside the old storage room to see if there's anything that they've done differently this time. Ebony reads over the recipe again for the seventh time but she doesn't find anything weird with it.

"I bet you cooked it longer this time." Fred comments. "Last time you immediately turned off the fire, now you let it brew a bit longer." 

"Could that have made a difference?" Ebony asks, curiously.

"It might." Fred replies, simply. "What a beautiful liquid."



"The name of our lust potion." Ebony states. "Libitentia. It means lust just like Amor means love."

"Genius." Fred agrees. "We should probably properly test it out before selling it though." 

"I did it last time, it's your turn." Ebony says, leaning her back against the wall. Fred hums and dips his finger inside the cauldron before he takes a sip. 

"I don't feel different."

"Remember Ron? It took like 10 minutes before he started acting weird." Ebony replies. 

"Alright, want to play truth or dare in the meantime?" Fred asks, sitting down on the floor. 

"Sure, truth or dare?"


"Have you ever stolen something?" Ebony asks, sitting down in front of him.

"Apart from your heart?" Fred asks back, Ebony rolls her eyes. "A lot. I used to steal a lot from Bill and Charlie. They always had the cool stuff." He smiles. "Truth or dare?"


"Howl like a wolf for 30 seconds." Fred says. 

Ebony hums and transforms in her Animagus form, she starts howling. Fred laughs at the sight in front of him. When 30 seconds have passed, she stops and he chuckles.

"That's unfair! I forgot you were a wolf." 

Ebony whines softly, walking over to him still in her Animagus form and rubs her head against him. Fred huffs out a laugh and scratches her ear.

She turns back into herself and the game goes on until she starts to notice Fred's weird behaviour. The potion is obviously working now, and he's really trying not to show it but he fails miserably. 

"Truth or dare?" Fred asks, taking deep breathes to keep himself steady.

"Dare." Ebony replies, smiling.

"Kiss me."

"What?" Ebony asks, frowning. "It's not really a dare if I do this on the daily--"

"You want a good dare?" Fred asks, his voice drops two octaves. "Fix this little problem you've created." Ebony smirks.

"That's more like it." She moves closer to him and kisses him. 

He grabs her hips and guides her to sit on his lap, straddling him. His lips hungrily kiss hers, his hands are everywhere and pull her closer but somehow it's still not close enough. Ebony raises her hands to play with his hair until she jerks his head back to which Fred lets out a low groan.

"Fuck, the things you do to me." 

"FRED! EBONY! BEDTIME!" Mrs. Weasley shouts from downstairs. "NOW!" 

Ebony chuckles and moves away from her boyfriend.

"No. . . no, please don't do this to me."

"What can I say? Your mum is a real cockblocker." Ebony replies, shrugging her shoulders and walking downstairs. 

She enters the small bedroom which she has to herself and sits down on her mattress. She hears some faint voices come from the corridor and waits patiently. When the voices have officially quieted down, she opens the door to her room again and walks outside. Luckily, Fred sleeps right on the opposite side of her so she can easily get to him--

Desperate quiet moans come from the other side of the bedroom door. Ebony stops and listens to the heavenly sounds of her boyfriend. It's clear he's trying his best to stay quiet, probably forgotten about the silencing charm, and is now fixing his problem himself. She wants to enter but something is stopping her.

Who needs Libitentia when you have a sweet-sounding boyfriend right next doors? She rubs her thighs together at the sounds in the hopes of reducing the ache. A high-pitched moan comes from the other side of the door before everything quiets down. Ebony leans her back against the door and groans to herself. Now she'll have her own problem to take care of.


Written: 02/05/2023

Word Count: 1494

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