The Ultra Hero, Ultraman Zero

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(If the video doesn't show up it's the song Susume! Ultraman Zero by Voyager)

Y/N is wiping down the tables in the tempura restaurant he works at.

Y/N: "Alright done." Y/N looks at the job he finished. All the tables and the floor of the restaurant shine and sparkle. Zero appears next to Y/N amazed by his job.

Zero: "I'm always shocked by how well you clean." Y/N is the only one who can hear Zero whenever he speaks. The restaurant owner and chef walks up to Y/N.

Chef: "Amazing job like usual, Y/N. Here it's payment day. Cash like you asked." Y/N takes the envelope from the owner.

Y/N: "Thank you Hiroshi-san." Y/N bows to the owner.

Hiroshi: "I put a little extra for you."

Y/N: "Ha ha thanks...I kinda feel bad I told him I'm from the country side that came to the city. Apparently he was also from the country side trying to make it in the city. Me telling him my fake story stuck a cord in him."

Zero: "You should buy him a gift as thanks since you lied to him."

Y/N: "I should."

Hiroshi: "Hm? Did you say something?"

Y/N: "Uhhh I said I should get going my shift is over."

Hiroshi: "Oh it's that time. Oh how time flies." Y/N has changed out his work clothes.

Y/N: "I'll see you tomorrow, Chef!"

Hiroshi: "Have a nice rest of your day!" Y/N opens the door to leave when hears someone yell out making him stop.

Voice: "Oh wait!" Hiroshi's wife walks out from the kitchen to hand Y/N a lunch box.

Aoi: "Here I made some extra tempura for you. Eat it for dinner." Aoi smiles at Y/N as he takes the lunch box.

Y/N: "I feel so bad lying to them!"

Zero: "She also deserves a gift of thanks." Y/N nods to Zero's statement.

Aoi: "Be careful out there. I always hear on the news about a new criminal making a ruckus."

Y/N: "I will and thank so much for the food." Y/N waves good bye to Aoi as he leaves.

Y/N is walking home when he hears a commotion. He looks up to see smoke in the sky.

Y/N: "Zero!"

Zero: "Yes! Let's go!" Y/N runs into an alleyway to take off his glasses off putting them in his case. He look at his bracelet.

Y/N: "Ultimate Bracelet!" The bracelet's stone glows for the Zero Eye NEO to appear. Y/N grabs the floating futuristic glasses. He holds the Zero Eye NEO to his face to put them on pushing a button.

Y/N: "Gear! ZERO!" A color timer appears on Y/N's chest for red and blue light to swirl around him. The lights fly on Y/N for his Ultra Suit to appear on him.

(3:00 for the transformation and Ultra Rise)

(3:00 for the transformation and Ultra Rise)

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