Part 2: chapter 3

32 1 14

Warning: Some scenes in this chapter may be graphic


One year ago

"Cerus?" I walked into the owlery and called up the tall tower hoping my echoes would reach him and I wouldn't have to climb all the way up.

My long black raincoat wrapped around my legs from the wind blowing so hard.

I cupped my hands over my mouth, "CERUS!" I yelled again hoping he'd hear me. I didn't hear anyone for that matter.

I groaned and started the long climb up the winding stairs to get to the top. About half way up I start to hear more. A slashing sound and a grunt was the first thing I heard. Then it was muffled screams.

Worried it one of Grindelwald's people I starting doing my best to sprint up the stairs and pull out my wand at the same time.

When u finally got to the top the door, that I don't think I'd ever seen shut, was locked. I tried shaking the handle before point my wand at it. "Alohomora." I say firmly and the door unlocks.

As I swing open the door I hear the pop of someone deaparating. As my eyes adjust in the dark I fumble for my wand to light up the room. Lightning strikes behind me lighting the room for a millisecond. The sight I saw was so gruesome I dropped my wand and gasped.

Everything dark again I felt around for my wand. When I finally felt it it was next to a hand and I instantly felt ill.

I swallowed hard before holding my wand up. "...Lumos." I could barely whisper out knowing what I would see.

As my wand lit up I saw the bodies piled on each other. It was all five of the students.

Three Slytherin, one Ravenclaw and one Gryffindor. Three boys two girls. The students who I had spoke to hours earlier in the day. The students who didn't know any better and were just doing what they think their parents would want them to do.

I stepped out and threw up at the site of their mangled bodies. Who ever did this had tortured them. Not even with crucio but it seemed to be with a blade of some sort.

I pulled myself together and shot off a spell into the sky so Dumbledore or someone could find us. I walked back in with Lumos and began to check the bodies for any sign of a pulse.

The more I checked and felt nothing the more frustration built up inside me. The Ravenclaw girl I couldn't even check her neck for a pulse because it had been practically cut into shreds.

I tried to softly adjust the bodies so I could see if Cerus was somewhere under them. Once I realized he wasn't I stood back up straight slowly processing who did this.

Cerus had said he wanted to question the students one more time and that's when I lost track of them. If it wasn't for one of the students showing me where they had seen Cerus taking them I wouldn't have even thought to check up here.

I looked down at my shoes seeing how covered in blood they were. The owls watched me as I paced back and forth. I have to try.

I got on my knees in the blood next to the Slytherin girl and began to try to heal her. Maybe it wasn't too late. Maybe I could fix something. But the more I tried the more exhausted I grew from using so much ancient magic.

I finally heard a group of footsteps coming up the stairs. Now in tears I hurry and stand up so that they wouldn't be met with the shock I saw at first. I stepped out of the tower and held up a hand to who was coming. Dumbledore was at the front with a few teachers and Newts brother, Theseus.

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