Ch. 2 The Boy in the Iceberg

Start from the beginning

On their way to Katara, Kairi looked at the sky, which Sokka noticed.

" What's on your mind?" Sokka asked.

" Just thinking about Dad. He was somewhere in the Earth Kingdom in the last letter he wrote to us. But that was like a year ago," Kairi murmured.

" The Earth Kingdom is huge, from what Uncle Bato told me. So, Dad and he and the others must be so busy helping the Earth Kingdom that they never have the time to send us a letter," Sokka grabs Kairi's hand and lightly squeezes it.

Kairi nodded.

Kairi looked forward and saw fourteen-year-old Katara sitting on the boat.

Katara heard footsteps to her right and looked to see Kairi and Sokka walking toward her.

" What is she doing here? Wasn't I enough?" Katara asked with a raised eyebrow.

Kairi annoyingly rolled her blue-grey eyes.

Since Kya died, Katara and Kairi's relationship became strained because Katara blamed her for what happened to their Mother.

" Three is better than two, Katara," Sokka responded while helping Kairi onto the canoe. " And besides, I invited her," He smiled.

" As they say, the more fish, the better," Kairi sits down.

Katara pouts, feeling annoyed.

Sokka unties the rope from the rock, pushes the canoe onto the water, and gets on.

Several minutes later, the canoe was deep in the South Pole. The wooden basket near Kairi's feet had lots of fish thanks to Sokka's spearing and the sisters' water bubbles.

On their way back to the Southern Water Tribe, Sokka looked at the water for more fish. His right hand tightly grasped the spear, looking determined to get a fish.

" Just two more fish! These fishes are not getting away from me," Sokka firmly speaks.

Kairi takes off her glove and puts her right hand in the water. She sensed movement, letting her know that something was heading in their direction. She pulls her hand out and looks at Sokka.

" Something is heading our way, Sokka. Be on your guard," Kairi speaks.

" Got it!" Sokka nodded.

Katara looked at the water boredly. Her blue eyes blinked when she saw a massive shadowy movement in the water. She smiled, thinking it was a big fish.

' If I get this big fish, it can last us for weeks,' Katara internally speaks.

Katara glanced at Kairi, seeing her older sister distracted by Sokka, who was looking for a way to get the fish. She stands up, removes her left glove, and looks back at the water.

' Okay. Getting this big fish will take lots of concentration,' Katara internally speaks.

Katara stretches her arm out toward the massive shadowy movement, taking a deep breath. Her eyebrows furrowed, looking determined to get her big catch. She starts making a wavy motion with her wrist, moving her hand up and down.

Kairi looked away from Sokka and turned her gaze to Katara.

' What is she doing?' Kairi internally asked. She leans to the left and sees the massive shadowy movement approaching them. Her blue-grey eyes widened when she saw a black fin of a Killer Whale.

" Katara! What are you doing?" Kairi shouts, grabbing Sokka's attention.

Katara lost her concentration, causing the currents to stop moving. She opens her mouth to shout but gets cut off by the Killer Whale bumping against their canoe, causing Sokka to fall off.

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