Forever and always

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"Hey! What's up?" I ask the blonde who's standing at my door, she gives me a soft smile and sits down on my bed.

"Would you drive me to JBs?" My sister Sarah's in a relationship with some pogue who I've never actually met, but by the sounds of it he's a nice guy! My sister always comes back in one piece so I'm chill.

"What's the magic word?" I ask teasing as I grab my keys ready to take her anyways

"Abra cadbra," She says sarcastically and rolls her eyes, I mimic her eye-roll

"Get in the car I'll meet you out there," I tell her chucking her the keys and walking to my closet

"Perks of being the older sister I guess" I mumble as I chuck on a denim jacket and then head towards the door.


"So you gonna come say hey to him?" She asks me as we head closer to the house, seeing this side of Obx still upsets me that people have to live like this. Why do they get treated differently?

"Maybe. I don't know, It's probably gonna be awkward no?" I reply and park my car just outside the house

"True. But I doubt it. Pleaseeeeee" She begs, being the annoying little sister that she is and of course, I give in every time

"Five minutes Sar I mean it. No longer okay?" I tell her and step out of the car, she's got the brown puppy dog eyes I dread on a day-to-day basis.

"They're gonna love youuuu," She says excitedly and runs towards the house, me walking behind me like a normal person

"Guys!! My sister came to say hey!" She shouts as she runs up the porch stairs. I furrow my eyebrows '"Guys?" she only said John B was gonna be here?' I think to myself. I instantly regret agreeing when I see every single pogue walk out of the house, great day to say hey.

"Hi!! I'm Kie, Sarah's best friend. I come over sometimes" She says with a smile

"Hi," I say and give her a hug

"Pope, I think I've seen you drop her here before?" He tells me and extends his hand for me to shake "If it wasn't for me she wouldn't be here most days" I reply laughing and shaking his hand, I move my eyes to see the brunette

"And you must be the famous John B. Sister's crazy for ya," I say laughing and he does a bow and everyone joins the laughter

"The one and only. She's always telling us how you wanna learn to surf" He states and I widen my eyes and turn to my sister slowly

"Sorry!! I know it was a secret but these guys are pros! I couldn't help it" She says to me with her hands raised

"I hate you, but yes I wanna learn to surf I just don't know who to ask," I tell them dropping my hands at my sides.

They all look at each other and then back at me

"We know just the guy Y/n," Kie tells me and I look at her

"He's the best surfer we know" Pope adds so I turn my head to look at him, utter confusion but still happiness on my face

"JJ Maybank." John B finishes and Sarah instantly starts nodding

"Oh my god, I literally never thought about that!! Also y/n you guys are very similar" She says and sneakily winks

"And that's my queue to leave," I say pointing at her and start turning around when I'm stopped by someone bumping into my shoulder

"Sorry," I say, stopping and looking to see who I bumped into

"Hey, JJ! We were just talking about you!" My sister says to him and he walks over to the group

JJ Maybank imagines!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें