Chapter 11

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(Y/n) mumbled curses at the predicament she is in. She didn't think Sukuna would take control after eating 5 fingers and four bullets. "You really thought I wouldn't take over when you ate five of my fingers and some crappy bullets?" Sukuna said out loud as he looked at himself in the mirror, smirking. "Well, it never happened before!! How long does this even last?" (Y/n) complained as she pouted. "Till I get bored brat," he told her as he grabs her wallet. "I am going to spend a day doing what I want."

"Huh?! Hey! No! What are you doing with my wallet?!" (Y/n) exclaimed in alarm. "Well I can't enjoy the day if I have no money, can I? You little twerp." Sukuna leaves her dorm room and heads down the halls to the exit. "No way! Get your own stinking money!" (Y/n) complained as she squirmed around as if that would speed up the process of getting her body back. "Tch, keep this up I am shredding your body pillow," he threatens as he leaves the school. (Y/n) let out a dramatic gasp.

"I'm destroying the fucking pile of skulls" she muttered, with a pissed-off expression. "What was that brat?" he hissed, clearly hearing her. "You heard me! I'm destroying your pile of ugly ass skulls! And you can't do anything about it!" (Y/n) said confidently. Sukuna smirked and gets on a train. "Oh, I can't do anything about that huh?" He mumbles, glancing around. "Yup! Wait- What are you doing?" (Y/n) asked worriedly.

When Sukuna arrived at his destination, not giving (Y/n) an answer, he arrives at a very expensive steak restaurant. "You wouldn't dare!" (Y/n) exclaimed, realizing his plan. "I would, I want to know why the hell you always talk about how delicious this place is." Sukuna entered and when he sat at his table, he saw the steak prices.

Staring at them so (Y/n) can also see the prices. "Dude! This is so not cool! This will use up most of my rent money!" (Y/n) exclaimed as she struggled to force her way back into control. "Hello, how may I help you today?" A male waitress asked, as they "secretly" eyed up (Y/n)'s body.

Sukuna looked at him unimpressed and ordered a ribeye steak, the third most expensive thing on the menu. "That's all I want," he said, in the most deep voice possible. "Right away... erm, ma'am" the male mumbled as he took the menu and scurried off. "My poor wallet" (Y/n) sulked as imaginary tears formed in her eyes.

"Fucking pervert, I ought to gouge out his eyes and roast them on a grill," Sukuna grumbled. "Huh? Pervert? Who? Wait- Don't go causing murders in my body!!" (Y/n) exclaimed as she pointed at nothing. "Who's going to stop me? You?" He asked, smirking as he waited for his food. He then noticed other men gazing his way, eyeing him like he was a piece of meat for them to tear into.

"How the fuck do you go through this?" He grumbled, itching to grab a knife and slit their throats. "Go through what? Getting my wallet stolen by the likes of you? Very painfully" (Y/n) huffed as she crossed her arms. "Right I forgot you have no brain cells in your brain if you can even call it a brain," Sukuna dissed her.

"Says the crinkly old fart, who's 100x my age" (Y/n) dissed back. Before Sukuna could get mad, the waiter came back. "Here's you're food, is there anything else you'd like? We got a sale on desserts" the waiter said, trying to promote their food, in order to get more money. See, Sukuna was just going to order the steak and be on his way, but this damn child in his mind is irking him.

So he smiles sweetly and nods. "Yes, well, as a matter of fact, I want your most expensive dessert," he told the waiter. "Very well, and would you like any drinks with that?" The waiter asked as he wrote down the order. "Yeah get me your margarita," Sukuna said. He wants this brat to wake up with a hangover and deal with it herself.

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