Chapter 10

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Flipping through a book, the pages stopped at a horrifying image. A man, as large as 3 meters, standing on a pile of corpses. Two of the man's lower arms held onto weapons, as his upper two arms held up human heads. The mouth on the man's stomach looked to be chewing on a human's torso, as the man grinned evilly.

"A horrifying creature, isn't it? I'm not sure why you wanted that book, but it gives me the creeps" Yutaro said as he shivered slightly. Aki stayed silent as he read the text above the image, which read "Ryomen Sukuna". He never truly understood who Sukuna was, and all he got from Power was warnings.

From the picture alone, he can already tell Sukuna isn't one to mess with. Not like that's new, as many other demons can be just as strong. "I'd be amazed if anyone actually made a deal with him, he's one of the big guys, literally," Yutaro said as he chuckled to himself. "Do you have any devils that will accept any bargain?" Aki asked as he snapped the book shut, tucking it away so he can read it later.


"Now! (Y/n), when you go into combat tomorrow, don't let Sukuna out if you can. I don't particularly agree with this mission, but since you're under the Devil Hunter's jurisdiction, you're being forced to go" Satoru said seriously. "Huh? Combat? Tomorrow? Where?" (Y/n) asked as she tilted her head to the side.

"You and your buddies are going to apprehend a few people. The same people who were ordered to kill you. In some sort of revenge and to gather information" Satoru explained, earning a nod from his student. "I suppose that makes sense, it shouldn't be hard, right?" (Y/n) asked, worried she was running into another trap.

"Right! I trust you can finish the mission easily! I am a great teacher and now that you're trained up, you can beat them with fists alone!" Satoru chirped happily. "His confidence makes me gag" Sukuna complained in her mind. "Are you not coming with us?" (Y/n) asked curiously. "Nope! I have to go back to Jujutsu Tech, after all, I am still a teacher for Megumi and Nobara" Satoru reminded her.

"Oh right... Well, I'll be sure to keep Sukuna in check!" (Y/n) declared as she saluted him. "That's my student!" Satoru said with a bright smile as he ruffled her hair. "This is so not fair" Denji grumbled as he watched the interaction from afar. "They hardly even trained" Power noted, feeling a bit envious of her female teammate.

"Now, I must be off! Don't do anything reckless!" Satoru ordered with a carefree smile. "Get back safely, Sensei!" (Y/n) waved off. "Maybe if I'm lucky, he gets hit by a truck and dies" Sukuna grumbled in her mind. "Don't be mean" (Y/n) scolded him lightly as she pouted. "I'm being modest" Sukuna sassed back, feeling a vein pop on the side of his face.

Satoru snickered as he watched his student bicker with herself, before leaving. He took his sweet time as he made it to a temple, on the outskirts of Tokyo. "Good, you made it, please have a seat" Makima offered as she calmly watched Satoru march in. "I'll pass, I don't plan on being here long," Satoru said with a sly smirk.

"Your manors are as lousy as your teaching," Kishibe said as he downed a cup of sake. "Oh and treating my students as toys is better?" Satoru asked sarcastically. "I don't know what your game is, Makima, but whatever it is, I don't like it," he said as he glared at Makima through his mask. "Whatever do you mean? I did nothing to warrant your hatred" Makima said calmly.

"Sending my student into a hotel, which is obviously set as a trap. Now, sending her on a mission for revenge? You know exactly what you're doing. The fact she's not dead isn't pure luck, and you know it" Satoru said sternly. "I fail to see the issue," Makima said with a growing smile. "You know, don't you? That (Y/n) is the vessel of Ryomen Sukuna" Satoru growled as he sneered at her.

"So what if I do? She's under my school now, not yours. What I do is no longer any of your business" Makima said, growing slightly irritated. "No, but she was still my student and I care about her well-being. I'm not afraid to kill you" Satoru promised as he glared down at her. Makima simply just smiled back at him, not at all fazed by his threats.


(Y/n) stared up at the massive building in awe, knowing she will be heading inside very soon. "Oi, brat! Don't get to distracted, I sense some of my fingers in there" Sukuna informed her, snapping her out of her thoughts. "Huh? Really? I'm surprised no curses have swarmed the place yet" (Y/n) noted, having sensed no curses, or demons.

"Idiot, they probably have them sealed somewhere. Just do as I tell you, the others can handle themselves" Sukuna demanded her. "Yeah, yeah" (Y/n) grumbled as she waved him off, and followed her teammates toward the building. Once inside, they were swarmed with zombies.

(Y/n) normally doesn't carry weapons, not like she needed them when she can use her fists. As a zombie runs at her, she punched it in the jaw, exploding its head in the process. "Don't spend too long fighting these things" Sukuna ordered her, earning a huff from his vessel. "I know" she grumbled as she punched another zombie, forcing its head to separate from its neck.

(Y/n) avoided the zombies, if she could, unlike Denji and Power, who actively attacked the zombies. But, (Y/n) wasn't going to sit back and let the zombies touch her if they got too close to her. "You four" Aki called, gaining Denji, Power, Higashiyama, and (Y/n)'s attention. "The fiends can take care of things down here, let's find the Sameri Sword and Snake woman" Aki ordered them.

"Eh? You're saying you know where to look?" Denji asked, cluelessly. "No, let's split up and search," Aki said as he walked off. "Aye, aye, captain" (Y/n) said sarcastically as she followed after him. (Y/n) shuffled onto an elevator as she rode it upward, and tapped her foot impatiently. Eventually, the elevator came to a stop as she walked out, glancing around for any guards.

"This room?" She asked as she pointed to a door, before moving on to the next. "How about this room?" She asked as she pointed to a door. "I swear, if you keep asking for each room, I will stop responding!" Sukuna exclaimed as his mouth formed on her cheek. "Geeze, no need to get so pissed off" (Y/n) mumbled as she moved to the next room.

"How about this one?" She asked, earning a groan of annoyance from Sukuna. "For fucks sake, it's the last door to the right" Sukuna instructed, clearly done with her stupid games. "What's that? I should check out more rooms? Why didn't you say so?" (Y/n) snickered, knowing she was annoying the curse. "Brat, I swear!" Sukuna snarled, his patience at its limit.

"I'm going, I'm going" (Y/n) reassured him as she walked down the hallway, heading for the specific door. Once she opened it, there she found what she was looking for. Five crusty fingers and four rusted bullets, all easily obtainable, as everyone was too busy fighting for their lives. "Feed me the bullets as well" Sukuna demanded with an evil grin.

~End of the Anime~

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