chapter twelve

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it's been a very long time since I last uploaded but I've had this chapter ready for a while and kept forgetting to upload it 😅 I hope you enjoy it and I'll get to writing the rest of the book soon ~ jay


   We reached the court in twenty minutes, and Kise was already there with Yukio, Moriyama, Kobori, Midorima, Takao and Kuroko. Grinning, I jumped down from Aomine’s back and ran over to Yukio.

  “Ohayo, Yukio-kun!” I chirped.

He opened his arms for a hug and I happily pressed my face against his chest, careful not to touch my bruised cheek. My Miyagi friends watched us in confusion and I turned to them with a wide smile.

   After introductions were made, Oikawa sat with his back against the metal fence and I sat cross-legged in front of him as he played with my hair. Iwa was facing me and the other volleyball players sat with us while the basketballers were having a game. My eyes closed in peace as Oikawa’s fingers ran gently through my waist-length strands. A soft pressure against my hands that were clasped in my lap caught my attention and I opened one eye to glance at Iwa with a smile.

  “What’s up, Zumi-chan?”

He stared intently into my eyes before his gaze flickered over the rest of my face. I shifted uncomfortably.

  “I didn’t want to mention it in front of everyone at school but what happened to your face?”

Rubbing the back of my neck, I laughed nervously.

  “ remember Tommy right?”

Everyone nodded slowly.

  “He surprised me with a visit the other day...turns out he’s not quite the same guy he was before.”

  “That doesn’t tell us much,” Iwa frowned.

Kyotani’s fists were clenched in his lap and Oikawa’s hands in my hair stilled. I cleared my throat as my eyes began to water.

  “We bumped into Kise-kun in a restaurant...he’d grabbed my hand to get my attention and Tommy didn’t like it much...he thought I’d been cheating and may have hit me and walked off on our way home…”

There was silence. The basketball bounced idly before rolling to the side. Everyone that wasn’t already aware was staring at me wide-eyed.

  “He fucking what?” Iwa’s voice was low but his eyes were swirling with rage.

I reached forward and grabbed his hands, squeezing them between my own.

  “He got what he deserved. We’re not together anymore, and Taiga and Aomine made sure he didn’t get away without a few bruises himself.”

Iwa’s hands shifted slightly so that he could lace his fingers through mine. My stomach flipped. His eyes met mine and I smiled. [a/n: i know this is supposed to be an Aomine fic but I love Iwa so much I just had to make it a triangle]

  “I’m okay, don’t worry.”

  “I’ll kill him if I ever see him again,” Kyotani growled.

I shrugged.

  “It was out of my control so I’m trying not to dwell on it.”

Oikawa continued to run his hands through my hair and I sighed happily. Another hand against my cheek made me flinch slightly and I opened my eyes to meet Iwa’s. His gaze was soft. My brain function faltered.
  ‘I’ve got you,’ he mouthed, brushing a thumb carefully under my eye to wipe away a tear.
Nodding, I crawled forward and climbed onto his lap. He froze for a moment before his arms wrapped securely around my waist. I pressed my face into the side of his neck and let out a breath I didn’t know I’d been holding. I could feel multiple pairs of eyes on us but I didn’t care. Iwa’s arms had become my second home.


   A few hours had passed and I was exhausted. I kept dozing off against Iwa’s shoulder while still sitting in his lap. The volleyboys had joined a couple of the basketball games and everyone was currently lounging around. Standing up, I stretched my arms above my head. I briefly stretched out my legs before looking at everyone with sleepy eyes.

  “Are we ready to go?” I mumbled.

Iwa stood too and held his hoodie out to me. I grabbed it with a smile and pressed my face into the soft material [boyf material] before pulling it on.

lost in japan (aomine x OC x iwaizumi)Where stories live. Discover now