chapter eight

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double post because i feel bad <3  also TW domestic? violence/abusive relationship

   Tommy and I arrived at the restaurant he'd booked for us. It was definitely classy and I started to feel self-conscious. His hand held mine firmly and he smiled down at me.

  "I hope it's not too much?" he asked softly. "I wanted to do something special for you."

  "It's perfect," I grinned, reaching up to kiss his cheek.

We walked up to the hostess and he informed her that we had arrived for a reservation. She bowed slightly before leading us to our table. The lighting was low and light chatter filled the busy dining area. She showed us to a small two-person table in the corner and lit the centre candle. I thanked her and we took our seats.

  "So," Tommy began as he took a sip of his water. "Catch me up."

My heart warmed at the gentle smile on his face.

  "Well, I've only been here four days, but I started doing open-mic nights again, made some really good friends, and joined the volleyball team!" I rambled excitedly.

  "Tell me about these new friends," his smile widened.

  "Well you met Aomine-kun," I started. "He's friends with Kuroko and Taiga and a bit of a jerk at times but he's fun to be around."

He frowned slightly at the mention of Aomine.

  "Then there's my brother's basketball team. They're all super nice and easy-going. I don't know the volleyball team that well yet but I'm sure we'll all be close friends too! And then there's Yukio-kun. We did a duet together at my first open-mic and have been close since. I met him at one of Taiga's practice matches."

  "I hope this Yukio guy isn't too close," he said sternly.

I frowned.

  "He's like a brother. You don't have to worry about him."

  "I sure hope not," he muttered.

After ordering, we talked about his life back in America and our old friends. Our food arrived and we ate in comfortable silence. The conversation was a little dry at times and I felt like he was hiding something. He looked irritated but I couldn't figure out why.

  "Tommy," I whispered.

He looked up from his plate and hummed as he had food in his mouth.

  "Is everything okay?"

Swallowing, he looked me in the eye, nodding.

  "Of course, why?"

  "No reason, something just felt a little off. I'm probably overthinking."

With a shrug, he went back to his meal.

   We finished eating and I excused myself to use the restroom. Once I'd freshened up a little, I started walking back to our table. A hand grabbed mine and I jumped slightly, turning to see who had reached for me. Kise looked down at me, a bright smile on his face.

  "Anake-cchi! It's good to see you again," he beamed.

I smiled back. His attitude was infectious.

  "You too, Kise! Here on a date?" I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively causing him to laugh loudly and a few people to turn in our direction.

  "No, I'm actually here with my sisters. How about you?"

lost in japan (aomine x OC x iwaizumi)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt