chapter ten

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   The last lessons of the day passed uneventfully. I'd gotten used to the stares and whispers, and no one had tried to talk to me about it which I was grateful for. Once class was dismissed, I made my way to the front of the school with Taiga and Kuroko. The rest of the basketball team was waiting under a blossom tree, Kise and Yukio talking with them. Frowning, I waved at them. Yukio walked over and pulled me into a hug. I instantly wrapped my arms around him despite people staring more than before and most likely cooking up some juicy new rumours.

  "What are you guys doing here?"

  "Just thought we'd come and check up on you. Kise has a shoot nearby and I thought we could hang out for a while," he shrugged.

Kise still looked guilty so I smiled brightly at him and sent a thumbs-up. He appeared to relax a little and sent a thumbs-up back.

   We all walked towards the front gates and I froze upon seeing a familiar figure leaning against the wall. Yukio bumped into me and put his hands on my shoulders to steady me.

  "Is that him?" he whispered by my ear.

All I could do was nod as I stepped back against his chest. Nobody else seemed to have noticed him yet but he had sure noticed me. His glare honed in on the guy standing right behind me.

  "Who are you?" he sneered.

  "Kasamatsu Yukio. Not that it's any of your business," Yukio spat.

Tommy chuckled coldly, the glare still present as he stepped closer to me.

  "Ah...the brother figure."

   Everyone's attention was now on him and the number of hostile auras surrounding the group was suffocating. I tried to step back again when he reached for me, forgetting that I was backed up against someone's chest. Yukio stepped around me so that I was behind him and grabbed his wrist.

  "Lay a hand on her and I'll snap off your fingers one by one." Yukio's voice was icy as he reached behind him to hold one of my trembling hands.

A pair of large hands settled on my shoulders and I looked up to find Kiyoshi glaring at the blonde American, his body tense.

  "I think you need to go," he stated coolly, giving my shoulders a reassuring squeeze.

  "I'm not going anywhere until I talk to my girlfriend."

I could feel Taiga trembling with anger a couple of steps back. It was honestly impressive how he'd been able to control himself so far. Not that I'd have complained if he had decided to knock him about a bit.

  "I'm not your girlfriend. Not anymore," I muttered weakly.

My own voice made me cringe. When did I become Taiga stepped closer to me so that I was caged between him, Kiyoshi, and Yukio. Yukio's thumb rubbed soothingly against the back of my hand.

  "Come on Akane," Tommy laughed. "I apologised. Didn't you see my messages or my voicemails?"

Now it was my turn to laugh. Everyone looked at me in confusion as I stepped out from the circle of protective men. My ex narrowed his eyes at my suddenly blank expression.

  "Your apologies were half-assed and it doesn't change the fact that it happened...that you laid your hands on me in a way that you shouldn't have," I glared, tucking my hair behind my ear so that the still-darkening bruise was visible to him.

He cringed at my injuries and tried to step closer to me, reaching out again. The three boys stepped forward in warning, and Kise came to my side. Tommy's eyes flickered to him before realisation dawned.

lost in japan (aomine x OC x iwaizumi)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя