the discovery

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[chose type of dungeon: area integration, swamp, space, ocean, icy, mix(mix four types to make a new one), cybernetic, ninja village, floating city, ECT.]

?:...welp this sucks I'm a dungeon core the ones that create monsters mazes and kills people but I'll be better... mix seems nice let's go for a area integration, cybernetic, space, floating city and see what i get

[loading......... . . . . .]

[congratulations you integration led to fusion with a ruins of the uzumaki village and your new traveling cybernetic space station ninja village name your dungeon and set up your first floor and it's monsters]

[floor types: mimic village, shadow village, zombie village, soul village, earth village, magma village, icy village, wind village, mixed village(mix four types together and name your floor)]

?: well mix the first four types and name it floor one village of revenge

[floor 1 type: revenge spirits]

[chose floor look:_______]

[floor look: abandoned village of towers]

?: heh now time to set up the loot drops right cuz I think I know what the monsters will be already all kinds of undead and supernatural and the souls of the uzumaki which I will have roaming around in the village which has a fog of steam and mist and smoke from different things

[name each creation of monsters for the floor to creat a monster and then give it a loot drop]


[monsters and drops: mimic ninja(a slime like monster that watches from a far and copy's technique's of others and uses it against them but at weaker level after the mimic kills a ninja it copy's from it gains all the ninjas abilities and knowledge and after eating the body they gain there look from when they where human)(vials of slime that give you a random ability or knowledge or title that the mimic had), shadow mimic(a shadow that can mimic others looks and act and talk like them and will use it to kill others and cause confusion)(a mask that has the ability to shape shift you into animals you have eaten before), shadow blob(a blob of shadows that travels from shadow to shadow and will use the shadows as weapons and will get attached to cute things will have)(a hollow handle that has shadows in it that can be used to make shadow weapons from a spear to a whip to an battle axe or katana any type of weapon), zombified ninja(a zombie with ninja skills but stronger than there human side and can use chakra)(a chakra arm band that with more chakra put into it your strength and speed and reflexes will be tripled by how much chakra is put into it if none in it the no boost)(chakra head band will strengthen your defence and streangth of vision and hearing), zombified shopkeeper(a zombie that acts like a shopkeeper dose not attack but will trade cores of their undead brethren and give you interesting items)(a book of crafts will allow the people to make anything that they want depends on what items they get or have from the dungeon or outside it), soul finders(a flying orb of red light that lures the victims and heros into the dungeon and bandits into traps)(a loot book will after you and your group kill a monster will show what the items do for all floors)]

[please set up a few rules for the dungeon]

?:.. well... anyone that dies in the dungeon their soul will turn into a random creature on any floor... and no civilians are allowed in the dungeon unless they touch the bolder at the entrance to the first floor on a bridge to get permission from me and select a class for the adventure and kids that are not a ninja all ready can't enter ... any soul that wants to live again can even if they are in the shinigami's stomach they get a screen pop Infront of them and then it will ask if they want to stay dead or be alive that they can but in a new body... then any monster or soul if leveled up to every 20 levels can gain a new ability and when they get to level 100 they can chose to evolve into one of three options but their options will depend on their abilities then they go back to level 1 and if they gain the choice to become a humanoid or human type monster they can leave the dungeon and start family's and stuff... the monster can use dungeon energy to make kids with other creatures or monsters to make something new

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2023 ⏰

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a reincarnated dungeon core in NarutoWhere stories live. Discover now