Chapter One

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Harry stared at Draco incredulously. What Draco was offering was a way out. A way to redo everything he had done. He honestly couldn't believe it. "A-are you serious!" Harry exclaimed as he stared at Malfoy.


"B-but. That. Huh?!" Harry was at a loss. How do you even understand what is happening.

"Potter. Listen. This thing will reverse everything. It can change your future. The Wizarding World's future. But if we don't act now we may not have another chance. Ever. So yes or no!?"

Harry nodded hesitantly. Malfoy didn't understand what he was handing to him. This- Ravenclaw's Restart Spell was... He didn't even know what it was. It was a Time-Turner. A Turner that can take you anytime between your Hogwarts' years. Harry drew in a sharp breath as he held the porcelain pocket watch. It wasn't a regular watch. It was numbered from Zero to Seven with Zero taking the Twelve's place.

It was beautiful. It was designed to stunningly with Ravenclaw's signature eagle on the back. You could feel the ancient magic thrumming to it. He still couldn't wrap his head around it. A chance, to redo the whole war. Possibly prevent Voldemort from arising again. To prevent the unnecessary deaths and destruction. God, it was impossible for his 18 year old brain to comprehend. "How did you find this?" He whispered. He gently carresed the watch.

"That is unimportant. The thing is, we have it now."

"What's the catch?" There was always a catch. Nothing can be taken or given without a price. It's what made magic so temperamental.

"You can go back in time to any year of your choice but, you can't be in your own body."


"That's the catch. You can only influence yourself from the outside. We won't be our past self. We'll be us. It's hard to explain, we'll figure it out when we get there."


"Well you don't think I'm letting you by yourself. I'm coming too. To prevent whatever fuck-up you might make." Draco accused. If it were any other time Harry would have left on the spot. But he and Malfoy got along, a bit. They both helped rebuild Hogwarts along with many others. It was sort of therapeutic to Harry and it was necessary for Draco. Community service and all. They weren't all buddy-buddy of course. They just tolerated each other.

It still didn't sit well with Harry. To go back in time with his rival. It sounded wrong. But the pros were much better than the cons. It was a risk he was willing to make. A risk he had to make.

"How do we go about this?" Harry enquired unwilling to let go of this odd pocket watch.

"There's a ritual to this. We just have have go ahead and follow its rules." Malfoy answered. Right now they were in the RoR. The room had promptly fixed itself with the restoration. Malfoy had been hesitant to enter the room but it was the safest place they could find. Right now, the Room looked like an endless library. Filled with books from the starting of Hogwarts days.

"Ritual." Harry breathed out the words. He never liked rituals. They always had an incentive that he didn't like. If it wasn't the incentive it was the process. And a ritual for something this big... Well, it wasn't going to go well at all.

"Do you know how we are going to do this?" Harry pressed on further. Malfoy nodded silently. "The ritual is going to take time to prepare. We would most likely do it on a full moon. Lucky for us, the next full moon is on the 30th of September."

"Today is the 27th."

"Exactly, so we don't have much time to prepare. We must move on with this quickly." Malfoy was no longer looking at him directly but rather searching a particularly blue shelf for something. He pulled out a seemingly dusty book out of the blue and wiped of the cover.

The binding was beautiful. Of navy blue and gold embroidery , it ran throughout the entire book. Malfoy walked back over to it and opened it in front of Harry. "This is the ritual." Harry pulled the book closer towards him and skimmed the pages. "It looks complicated." Harry sighed. Was this even going to work?

"It is. But we have to try." Malfoy placated while snapping the book shut.

"It's getting late. We have to go. You know they are coming to check our rooms soon." 'They' were the Professors. The Professors were endlessly stricter now. Especially since a few students couldn't handle the trauma and well, tried to end their pain. Thankfully, they lived. And it's much better that they are getting help. Something Harry wasn't ready for yet. At this rate, maybe he doesn't need to get help. After all, if they end the trauma will there even be any.

He still couldn't quite grasp how Malfoy was so calm about this entire situation. He's been through just as much trouble as he has. Maybe, if not more. After the release of the Daily Prophet article about Lucius Malfoy's imprisonment and later the Kiss Malfoy necessarily hasn't been the same.

"Right!" Harry exclaimed as he held the Locket/Time-Turner in his hands. He couldn't let go of it. A chance to redo everything. It was... brilliant. He wanted too, he needed too. To prevent what the war has done, it was all too much.


Harry found his way back into the Gryffindor rooms. After everything that happened, it all felt different, colder. But he let it go, of it worked, then he would never have to feel it again.

"Mate, where have you been?" He heard Ron's voice ring out. It was all groggy and slurred. He has just woken up. Ron did that too much now. Woke up to every little sound. He used to sleep through everything now he just couldn't seem to get a break.

"Nowhere, just a walk." Harry said calmly.

"It better be." Ron spoke strictly before turning around and snoring again. Ron and Hermione were endlessly overprotective now. They were careful with everything that is said and done around him. It was a nice sentiment but he just wanted it to stop. He wasn't a fragile porcelain doll and even if he felt like that sometimes, he wasn't. He wasn't... anyone anymore.

Harry hid the pocketwatch under his pillow and attempted to sleep. Tomorrow he would have a talk with Malfoy and get to know more about this so-called 'ritual'. Harry would be lying if he said he wasn't excited. Because he was. Very excited. He just hoped he didn't jinx anything.

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