With his newest blaster secured in a holster strapped to his leg Raiden set off. He walked through the Mandalorian training equipment that he had put to use this past month and made his way to a Mandalorian ship. There were two remaining, one he would take to the Night-Mother, the other he would use to leave this planet. He entered one that was filled with crates that he had placed there. He opened one and found it full of explosives, taking a handful and putting them on his belt, then closing the crate and making his way to the cockpit.


It was the dead of night on Dathomir the planets four moons shining through the darkness. Ancient stone structures lined the cliff side as a Mandalorian drop ship sailed above the clouds. The ship was piloted by a single man. Shrouded in dark robes and beskar armour Raiden sat in the cockpit. He wasn't a very experienced pilot but he had done the simulations in the Jedi temple and so was able to fly to where the Night Mother had hidden.

It was a cliff side fortress. Ancient stone structures stood imposing and impenetrable. Wooden bridges and barricades crossed the great fortress bustling with activity. To get deep into the fortress to the Witch would take an army. Or Raiden could blow a hole in the entire place. Raiden began hitting buttons to prepare for the descent.

Below Night-Brothers began to shout as they noticed the rapidly approaching ship. The ship was turned towards the largest tower and Raiden opened the ships door and jumped out. The ship crashed into the tower causing a giant explosion destroying the tower entirely and sending large pieces of rubble all over. Night-Brothers were crushed beneath stone as the tower collapsed.

Raiden used the distraction to land safely in the main structure. He slowed his landing with the force and crashed through a window of the main building. Immediately he used the force to pull someone towards him. He used the Night-Brother as a shield blocking the many arrows shot at him before throwing the now dead Night-Brother at his advancing opponents.

With a force push Raiden sent a dozen Night-Brothers falling out the window to their death before finally calling his Shoto Saber to his hands with the force. With his Shoto Saber held in reverse grip Raiden began deflecting arrows. They were coming from a high ledge and at this moment he was glad to have brought his new blaster. He grabbed his blaster from its holster on his leg and allowed the force to guide his shots. Time slowed as he inhaled. He picked his targets. And on the exhale. He fired!

Red concentrated bolts of pure energy exploded from the blaster eight times. Each bolt hit tis mark. Two shots for each Night-Brother, twice in the chest and they fell from the ledge. But like ants they were replaced and again Raiden was forced in the defensive. Arrow after arrow was deflected and he did so easily but the longer he lingered in one spot the more danger he was in.

Thinking fast Raiden surveyed his surroundings.  There was a part of the ledge that wasn't fully secure, but to use the force would leave him open to arrow fire. To add another layer of urgency Raiden could hear Night-Brothers ascending the staircase to his right. Trying to not panic and succumb to the pressure Raiden flicked a switch on his blaster causing a bright red glow to appear at the top of the barrel. A dark red bolt thundered from the blaster hitting true and sending a large chunk of rock down crushing the Night-Brothers on the ledge.

It went smoothly, too smoothly. A moment later cracks began to appear and part of the roof collapsed sealing the hallway which Raiden was about to go down. Making the situation worse was the sound of the Night-Brothers finally entering behind him. He turned to face them. Ready for the fight to come. With a twirl of both his weapons he now held his Shoto Saber in the standard grip, pointed out towards his approaching opponents and he held his blaster by the barrel.

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