Chapter 2: The Plan

Start from the beginning

N nervously mutters "U-uh... locking the fridge?" "EXACTLY!" X yells in excitement and glee. He usually wasn't that happy, but this was an exception. He now had an exact plan and solution, and he was about to explain it right about then.

"What if we locked the fridge with a key that we all know but him, and we also make him eat half his portions at lunch?" X explained with excitement, making gestures with his hands as he did so. Everyone else heard him carefully, and started talking amongst themselves if they agreed or not. Then, they all looked at X, and smiled, it seems that they all agreed! "So, how about we get this plan into action?" Asks O.

The team gets a special lock and adjusts a new key that they all know, but M doesn't. Then they connect the lock to the fridge door and container, and now, everything's doing surprisingly well since the fight N and M had. So it was time to get to the risky part...

P walks up the stairs, and knock's on M's door which is locked. "Hey, big guy! You can come out now!" She says gleefully. M stops punching the walls in anger for a moment, and reconsiders P's request for him to come down. "Yeah, and?" M reluctantly says. "X bought more meat, and is now making dinner!" P exclaims. The world "dinner" immediately clicks on M's mind, and makes him think for a moment. "Yeah, I'll come." he says a little calmer now, at the mention of food. "But let me grab a little snack first..." Oh, he barely knows what's coming to him.

M walked down the stairs, and as he spent the rest of the time after the fight he had with N at his room, he was absolutely yearning for a snack. And so he goes to the kitchen, and tries to open the fridge, and surprise surprise, it's locked. But M doesn't figure it out just yet - so he tries again. And as expected, it doesn't work.

He's still struggling with forcing the fridge door open, until he hears a laugh in the distance. O's laughing at his struggle, and says as he smiles with a smug aura "Congrats, big man. You did this to yourself." and then walked off into his room. M growled at him, clearly mad that someone is mocking him.

He walks to X, and sees what he's cooking. He really likes the smell, and is already fantasizing about eating the whole thing in one go; but something's a little... off. There's not nearly as much as there used to be before. "Hey." M started speaking "Why's there less food, huh?" He asked with a hint of suspicion. X notices it, and is quick to come out with an answer. "Oh, don't worry about that, I'll make more in a while if you want seconds." M walked off after hearing that, still a bit sour about the whole fridge locking thing. and X gulped nervously as he looked at him walk away. How would a big glutton such as M react to shortened rations?

After a few more minutes of preparation, dinner is finally done, and all the team sits at the round table in the dining room. M sits back and relaxes on his seat, thinking of the nice meal he'll eat up like nothing, but then when he gets served his portions... What was that he was seeing? SHORTENED RATIONS!? Was this real? Was this a dream? Was this some sort of dirty prank? What kind of weird sick fuck would even dare to shorten his rations at that rate? M was clearly angry- no, mad- I mean, absolutely livid about these new smaller rations. "WHAT THE FUCK!?" He screams out loud.

Everyone turned their head to him, with a very shocked expression. They knew he'd react badly to that, but not that badly! "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!? DO YOU WANT ME TO FUCKING STARVE!?" M yells out in sheer anger at his food. He slams his hands on the table, breathing heavily. "WHAT IS YOUR FUCKING PLAN, HUH!?" Everyone around him is shocked and scared, especially N, who was just cowering in his seat at the moment.

"We... We wanted you to stop eating so much..." N babbled, almost paralyzed by the sheer fear. He didn't want another fight going on with his brother again, and all he wanted to do was run away and scream; but his body didn't let him do that. Then X stood up and glared at M. "What do you want?"

M looks at X with a manic smile, looking as he's about to snap at him. "Is this... Is this a joke? IS THIS A FUCKING JOKE!?" he screamed, clenching his fists. X shakes his head, and looks towards him. "No, it 's not. This is your reward for being such a greedy glutton. Now SIT DOWN, and eat your damn dinner." X was getting a bit angry at M's stubborn attitude, but in his vision, it's what he deserved.

The manic man then turns to his brother N, and bares his sharp, bear-like teeth to him. "You did this. You did all of this. Right?" He stares into his eyes, and N senses a primal fear. It was finally time to act up...

And so N finally stood up from his seat in a panic, and started running upstairs towards his room as he cried and screamed for his life. "DON'T DO THIS TO ME! I'M SORRY...I'M SO SO SORRY!" N managed to blurt out as he ran away. M groaned in fury, and ran towards him. He yelled at him, sounding more animal than human "DON'T YOU GET AWAY FROM ME. DON'T. YOU. FUCKING. GET AWAY!!" he roared.

N got to his room by a tiny little inch, and locked his door immediately. He locked himself in the closet and sobbed to himself - this was the scariest day of his life. M tried to pry open his door, and then started to bang his fists on it furiously. "WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!?" "OPEN THE DOOR. NOW." N just sobbed harder at his responses, not even able to say a word properly because of how stressed he was. But then M felt someone grabbing his tank top...

"DUDE! STOP THAT!" Said O, who was grabbing him, so maybe he could reason with him. "It's only little pieces of food, why do you worry about that so much!?" he added, still pretty scared of what happened to N. M couldn't formulate any valid reason, and he didn't want to prove them right as a glutton just then. So in a rare sight of submission, he lowered his head, and sighed. "Well... It was... a bit sudden and uh..." Was all he could think of.

"Now I'm gonna go grab my dinner and storm out.. see ya, idiots." He mumbled as he slowly walked downstairs to fetch his lunch - and secretly an extra bit of food. Then he grumpily closed and locked his bedroom door, and mumbled from inside his dorm "Goodnight fuckos. See you all tomorrow..." as he ate his dinner, and then laid on the bed to sleep.

A few hours passed, and everyone was sound asleep. M was laying on his bed as usual, without his shirt on, and snoring like a hibernating beast. and then he woke up to the sound of his stomach growling. He really wasn't accustomed to this little food, and he clutched his belly in hunger. "Oh, god..."

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