(Flash back) How the Squad was made PT. 1

15 1 1

Out loud talking: ""
In their heads: ''
Radios: <<>>

The sound of a multiple jet engines could be heard in the distance as a 4 F-16's is shown flying in formation over an airfield before they broke off into the sky. Ghost 1 or better known as Himmels watched the F-16's as he chilled near his F/A-18 super Hornet. He wondered what his next assignment would be as right now they are testing him against the best of the best in simulations that is when someone came up to him, it was Charon.

""Mr. Himmels I thought I would find you here the general has a new task for you and I'm sure you'll like this one." Charon said as he had his hands folded behind his back with a small smile on his face with Himmels turning towards him.

"Ya know if you had said anything else I would of been just listening but now then I'm interested if you actually think I might like it," Himmels responded as he soon stood up and stretched a bit gaining some satisfying cracks from his body, "So what is it that the general is having me do?"

"Well the general wants you to make your own squadron to be apart of this project, he said he doesn't care who they are or where they are from as long as they are from Yuktobania," Charon answered before handing Himmels a folder for him to read and read he did, "You will be heading over to Mr. Sommelier, ask him what you want in your squadron and he will find them for you, you can only bring in 7 people no more and no less."

Himmels nodded as he listened to Charon's words while thinking of what and who he would want in his squadron. The thing is he mainly wants the best of the best while also having ones that are under his skill level so that they can still learn. He just hopes he doesn't get anyone bad or less then what he is hoping for. With that he stood up then wiped the dust off his clothes before nodding to Charon and walking to meet this Mr. Sommelier.

Soon enough he gets to this medium sized room it had large cabinets filled with folders as well as a desk that had several monitors hooked up. Himmels took a seek in front of the desk before putting the folder down on it as voice spoke up beside one of the cabinets with Himmels looking towards it to see Mr. Sommelier himself.

"I see you finally arrived Ghost 1 the general and Charon told me that you'll be arriving here to meet with me about the picking of your squadron mates

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"I see you finally arrived Ghost 1 the general and Charon told me that you'll be arriving here to meet with me about the picking of your squadron mates." The man said as he soon slowly walked over to his desk sitting behind it which allowed Himmels to respond who scooted his chair closer.

"I see they already informed you quite well should of expected that from the two of them but I truly wonder how you can help me find 7 people I'm sure it will be a lengthy process." Himmels stated to Sommelier as he leaned back in his chair while looking at Sommelier.

"Well then you will be quite surprised to hear that it won't be so lengthy if you doubt my abilities then let's start to gather some people for your squadron give me a description of what you want and I'll search for them." He stated with a small smile on his face as he watched as Himmels simply gave him a raised eyebrow.

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