[chapter 5]

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De'asia didn't have much to think about, after this brainless joke caused by this woeful man, she knew it was a wrap.

awaken at 6 on the dot, she sighed tiredly daze at the ceiling. lounging in the bed for a bit longer, she pushed back the blanket and got out of the comfortable bed. spending her time in the bathroom doing her facial routine, cleaning and flossing her teeth also gargling with some mouth wash, and then freshening her body up before putting on her outfit for the day.

scooting her feet into her non resistant shoes after putting her socks on; de'asia grabs her phone and then strolls to the kitchen.

reaching inside of the cooking area, she found the one and only, jayson, taking out the pancake mix, sausages, the egg carton, and bacon. knitted eyebrows as she eyed him — de'asia finally clears her throat.

jayson turns around and a grin appears to his face. "good morning, you don't mind if i cook this time?"

"i don't care what you do, your house." she shrugged, spinning on her heel and got ready to leave out to wake deuce.

"wait, can i talk to you?" jayson placed the bowl down slightly jogging to reach for her wrist. immediately she yank her arm away, and kept her back turned to him.

"please." he asked. de'asia sighed a little and turned halfway to him.

"i wanted to apologize for making you respect me by calling me 'mr tatum', telling you what you can and can't do following the prank i pulled yesterday — i didn't think things through, and i'm glad it didn't turn left. i realize now that i was being an ass, and i value your work and appreciate everything you do for us, and i hope we can move past this and continue to work together in a positive way." jayson declares holding his gaze on her.

"is that all?" de'asia soft voice utters. she wanted to give him the same energy back, he wasn't not about to get let off easily.

"i-i, yes." he nods his head.

"your apology was nice but a little too late, though i haven't yet to speak with your mom about finding you a new nanny , i suggest while you're awake you can get a head start."

a puzzled look, jayson shook his head disagreeing. "no, i'm not . . i'm not looking for a new nanny. deuce just got close with you, i don't want you to break his heart."

"me? it's nobody's but your fault. i'll still be here until i am able to find my own place, and when the new nanny gets here, after that, i can still show to deuce's soccer practices and games — i do care about him you know." de'asia steps forward. "speaking of deuce, i need to go wake him up."

leaving the 6ft 8 man to making breakfast all while trying to comprehend what just happened.

when breakfast was done, deuce was already dressed and ready to eat then brush his teeth before leaving.

"dede, my school is having a carnival can you come?" deuce bats his eyes her way.

jayson stood on the other side of the counter watching the two interact.

de'asia ruffled his hair and nods her head, "of course, deu. oh, remember your mom is picking you up early today, got a dentist appointment."

"can i facetime you when i'm done?" deuce finishes off his food from his plate then pushed it towards his dad.

"sure buddy, now go brush your teeth please i'll go get the car warmed up." de'asia got up from the chair while deuce hopped off his and ran to his bathroom to brush his teeth.

"are you not going to eat?" jayson asked trying to create a conversation.

"i don't eat until after i'm done cleaning, so that'll be around 10." de'asia picks up the keys only for jayson to jump in front of her from leaving. "he'll take a minute, eat something."

"please move." she said.

"not until you at least pick up a banana or few strips of bacon." which made her laugh.

"stop acting like you care all of the sudden it's making my skin crawl." de'asia stepped to the side and jayson followed. threatening him with her eyes, de'asia huffed.

"get out of my way." she grits through her teeth.

"no." then he went to lift his arm and de'asia flinched and blocked her face.


Jayson's Point of View

"Good morning, Ma." I leaned down and hugged her before she fully walked into the house. We had a couple of meetings to attend to, but I wanted to let her know about De giving up her job.

"Morning son, what is it that you wanted to talk about?" She shut the door behind her.

"Deasiaisquittingandihavetofindanewnanny." I said all in one.

My mother stood there with a plain face. "How does that saying go? Period as she should." She motions her hand under chin.

"Don't ever saying that again." I facepalm chuckling. "Can you help me?"

"I'm sorry son but this is all on you, now let's go before we're late to the first meeting."

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did not proof read.

1.) y'all think she's doing right by giving him a taste of his own medicine?
2.) How salty you think he'll be when he finds out she isn't quitting?

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