Chapter 1

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This fic is heavily based on, at least in the beginning, on the loss of a family member. Please keep this in mind when you proceed, and if it is triggering material for you, please only read it if your comfortable.

Patreon so far has up to 4 chapters, but they will soon get the next chapters updated, plus an extra chapter soon. The link if you want to check it out:

I hope you enjoy xx


The cat stretched its limbs on your blanket with a lazy yawn, the sunlight pouring through the window catching on its fur.

"Stop showing off how lucky you are." you muttered to it, as if that would somehow stop the cat from rolling on its side.

It was your brother's cat really. But you named it. It was a tiny thing when he brought it home, annoying your parents until they let him keep it. As much as they didn't like the kitten at first, your mum barely wanted to part from it when you left the house.

It took a fair amount of time to convince them to allow you to attend UA High. To be a hero in general. It didn't surprise you the slightest, but you still wished they gave in easier. After months of begging, something changed.

You weren't sure if they finally saw that you wouldn't budge or if something else settled the matter, but they let you go, but you would have to stand on your own.

You lived away from Musutafu after your parents relocated years ago, and they weren't willing to move back, which in all honesty was fine by you. You didn't want to drag them with yourself, to open past wounds that are yet to be healed.

You moved down by yourself, and took the cat with you, making you wonder if your mother was crying because you left or because he was.

"Be good until I'm back please." you scratched below his chin, at the spot he liked, and he purred softly before you parted from it and headed out the door.

The flat you lived in was close enough to the school to see its gleaming buildings from the distance. It already seemed gigantic, but it wasn't even close to the actual thing in scale when you finally stood under its arches.

You stopped for a second, taking a deep breath. You were here for a reason, and one reason only. You walked through the door.


"It's the first day of school, and you're already damaging school property! Do you have no respect for people who sat at this desk before you?" a black-haired guy with glasses gestured to the desk in question.

Finding your class wasn't hard. With how massive the school was, you thought it would take some time, but with the amount of noise your classmates were making it was easy. As soon as you reached it though, you questioned if this was truly the room you were meant to be in.

The class was pretty much full. People were shouting over each other, their sentences mingling until it became gibberish. Two were still louder than most. The glasses guy was still going on about the makers of the desk, while the other boy just scoffed at him.

His blonde hair stood in every direction, his red eyes and mean grin directed at the boy in front of him. He was leaning back on his chair, feet planted on the top of the desk, which was the reason for the commotion. Not that he seemed to care for anything else.

His uniform hung loosely around his body, he was missing his tie, and his hands were shoved deeply into his pockets.

"Like I care! You think you're better than me?" he barked, a mock chuckle ending the question.

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