Chapter 43 - Sage

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The pebbles crunch beneath our feet as we walk out onto the beach, hair swept up by the wind as it buffets our bodies. A chill spreads from my head to my toes - whether it's from excitement or actual cold, I can't tell.

I glance at Ad, and smile. Her eyes are bright, squinting against the breeze, her face is beaming. 

I am lucky to get to do this with her. 

And, I suppose, she's lucky too. Lucky she made it here with me.

"You said you wanted to swim, right?" It's a sunny day - not exactly warm, but sunny. I can see storm clouds in the distance, but ignore them. They aren't bothering us yet. It's one of the last good days to be at the beach this year, before the water goes icy cold and the sky clouds permanently over. 

"Yes. It's going to be chilly, but I do." 

We find a quiet spot, nestled between some rocks, and hold up towels in front of ourselves as we change. My costume is a little tight, but for the money I paid, it'll do fine. From next to me, I hear a light gasp, and shaky breaths.

"You ok?" I can't see her, but I sense her fear. 

"Yeah. Yeah, it's just... I'd forgotten for a second. And I didn't see earlier, it's..." She pauses, takes a long breath. It scares me, how weak she is already. Every breath is a little strained, her skin paler than usual. "There are so many cuts. And... and scars. I've never seen myself like this. It's... it's horrible." I hear her gentle sobs, imagine her terrified eyes as she looks at her own body.  

"It's okay. You're okay. Don't worry about it, you're going to be fine. Just ignore them." Small comforts, but the best I can offer.  

It takes a few minutes before she shows herself. I try not to let my shock show.

Across her arms and her legs are bruises, wounds, so, so many. The explosion has taken its toll. When she turns to retrieve her towel, I can see the huge criss-cross patchwork of blood across her back. She doesn't deserve this. She must be in agony.

But she is here, at least.

Addy turns, and spots me staring. Awkwardness fills the air between us, and she drops her gaze to the ground, embarrassed. 

"They're horrible, aren't they." It's not a question, but I shake my head. 

"No, Addy, no." 

"They look so ugly," she whispers, her words caught in the wind. I am lost for what to say, how to help. 

"No, Addy. Listen to me. They're not ugly at all. You're not ugly at all. You look beautiful." Stepping closer, I pick up her hand in both of my own, squeezing it tight. "You can't help them. But you don't need to worry about them. They just show your story and what you went through back there. They're not ugly."

"But look at them, I-"

"I am looking at them. I stand by what I said. It's ok." She sniffles, blinks away her tears. "Now come on." 

Leaving our small pile of stuff safely hidden between the rocks, I run across the rocks, hissing as they dig into my bare feet, sprinting toward the foamy sea. 

"Come on, Ad!" Reluctantly, covering her arms, she walks down the beach, wincing. I walk back to her, hold out my hand. "Together?" 

Her smile is weak, but a smile at least. She takes my hand.

We jump over the pebbles, laughing at our own squeals. And then we step into the sea, letting out a shared gasp.

"Jeez! That's freezing!" she yelps, as the waves crash over our legs. 

"Oh my god, it's like ice-" 

"It is ice-" The water sends a jolt through me, clearing all the thoughts from my head and making me shiver. It's crazy cold, but I grin, wading deeper. 

"Oh my god!" I screech. 

The waves rush towards me, causing me to stumble backwards, falling with a short scream onto the sea floor, head just above the water. 

From behind me, a burst of laughter. 

"And the girl was lost to the sea, foreverrr!" Smirking, she paddles towards me, splashing icy-cold water over my face. I shriek, sending water back at her.

The scream-laugh I get in return is full of joy.

It's hard to believe this is the same girl who was nearly killed in an explosion this very morning.

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